TEACHING | Revelation 19-22 | New Heaven New Earth | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
June 25, 2023 - We reign, TODAY, with Jesus in freedom and power through the Holy Spirit. This is a current reality for all believers in which we can choose to learn, grow, and participate. In this Bible Classroom exclusive, Nathan discusses chapters 19-22 and the new heaven and new earth.
TEACHING | Revelation 15-18 | Bowls & Beasts | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
June 19, 2023 - External beauty and power — the appearance of order, composure, and symmetry — does not correspond to the presence of integrity — the reality of living empowered by the Holy Spirit. One’s faith is the sign of God’s favor and approval — not one’s stability and acclaim. In this Bible Classroom exclusive, Nathan discusses chapters 15-18 and the bowls, beast, and the unfaithful woman.
TEACHING | Revelation 12-14 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
June 11, 2023 - No matter what we face, the enemy does not have power or authority in our lives. God works all things out for good for all who trust in Him – He wins every circumstance. In this Bible Classroom exclusive, Nathan discusses chapters 12-14 and the woman and the two beasts.
TEACHING | Revelation 8-11 | Two Witnesses | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
June 04, 2023 - God is perceived safe for those who put their trust, dependence, and faith in Him. God is dangerous to those who distrust or mistrust Him and live independent of His design. In this Bible Classroom exclusive, Nathan discusses chapters 8-11 and the two witnesses.
TEACHING | Revelation 4-7 | Seven Seals | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 28, 2023 - True Israel (God’s faithful people) are more than conquerors through Jesus no matter what tribulation may befall them. In this Bible Classroom exclusive, Nathan discusses chapters 4-7 and the seven seals.
TEACHING | Revelation 1-3 | Seven Churches | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 21, 2023 - Jesus is crowned King and will come back to a Kingdom that has filled the earth. In this Bible Classroom exclusive, Nathan introduces the book of Revelation and discusses chapters 1-3 and the seven churches.
TEACHING | Acts 13.16-23 | The Lord's Anointed | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 14, 2023 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Acts 13.16-23 and the five characteristics that made David a person that God viewed as someone who mirrored His own heart.
TEACHING | Exodus 20.16 | Assume The Best | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 7, 2023 - Untested assumptions lead to invalid expectations. Nathan looks at Exodus 20.16 and the destruction within relationships that is caused when we bear false witness against someone in our minds. He also discusses the practical steps to take to ensure that our expectations of people do not end in frustration and disappointment.
TEACHING | Matthew 28.16-20 | Make Disciples of Jesus | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 30, 2023 - Nathan looks at Matthew 28:16-20 and discusses how who we believe we are will determine what we believe we can do and how that impacts the kind of disciples we make.
TEACHING | Exodus 14.13-14 | Jesus + The Holy Spirit | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 23, 2023 - In this teaching, Nathan compares and contrasts Exodus 14.13-14 with Joshua 1:1-9 and challenges us to not settle for freedom but fight for victory.
TEACHING | John 16.5-15 | Jesus Had To Go | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 16, 2023 - We wouldn't have the Holy Spirit if Jesus stayed on Earth. Nathan discusses John 16:5-15 and how the Holy Spirit convinces us of three things: when we are not trusting God, how to live in right relationship with God and others, and that the enemy has already been judged.
TEACHING | Romans 2.4 | Spirit-Led Morality | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 2, 2023 - Nathan discusses Romans 2.4 and how God’s kindness is the first step in the process of repentance — a process that results in new, healthy, Spirit-led mindsets and behaviors.
TEACHING | Repent and Be Pardoned | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 26, 2023 - Accepting Jesus' forgiveness makes all your sins, failures, and mistakes as if they never happened. Nathan discusses Romans 8.1 and how for followers of Jesus there is no condemnation, shame, or regret because the Holy Spirit is bigger and more powerful than the effects of our sins, failures, and mistakes.
TEACHING | 1 John 5.1-21 | Live Sin Free | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 19, 2023 - A Christian, who receives the Heavenly Father’s love and forgiveness; is filled with the Spirit; and trusts Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection does not need to sin. Nathan discusses 1 John 5.1-21 and how believers can live their life sin free when their conscience is tuned into the Holy Spirit.
TEACHING | 1 John 4.7-21 | A Mature Christian | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 12, 2023 - A mature Christian is not determined by how much one knows about the Bible or how long one has been a Christian. Nathan discusses 1 John 4.7-21 and how the true mark of a mature Christian is how well one loves others; that is, denying one's rights, desires, beliefs, and expectations for the benefit of others.
TEACHING | 1 John 4.1-6 | Jesus Is Human | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 5, 2023 - Jesus being fully human enables him to fully identify with you. Nathan discusses 1 John 4.1-6 and the gnostic origins behind the pessimistic nature of humanity. He also shares how this belief hinders our ability to trust Jesus and be led by him into freedom and victory over sin.
TEACHING | 1 John 3.4-24 | Practice Right Living | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 26, 2023 - Proximity to Jesus isn't as important as our faith in him. Nathan discusses 1 John 3.4-24 and how what we practice (work at to improve) reveals our true loyalty: practicing rebellion against our design reveals our loyalty to the enemy, practicing living in right relationship with God and others reveals our loyalty to Jesus.
TEACHING | 1 John 2.3-3.3 | Darkness is Fading | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 12, 2023 - The Kingdom of Heaven has been advancing since the first century. Nathan discusses 1 John 2.3-3.3 and how our view of the world is determined by what we focus on — if it's the Holy Spirit, then the world is getting lighter and we are victoriously empowered; if it is our circumstances, then it appears to be getting darker and we feel powerless to influence it. ***This teaching includes an update and correction from last week's teaching.***
TEACHING | 1 John 1.1-2.2 | God is Light | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 5, 2023 - God is light and there is no darkness in Him at all. Nathan discusses 1 John 1.1-2.2 and how when we walk in the Light: our darkness is exposed, we have fellowship with other believers, and the blood of Jesus is activated in our life.
TEACHING | Set Free, Stay Free | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 29, 2023 - In this teaching, Lacey teaches us that while we are set free, we have a responsibility in staying free. And that it is often our unresolved past that lures us back into slavery.
TEACHING | How to Misread the Scriptures | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 22, 2023 - Our application of Scripture to our lives can only take place after we read the passage for what it says and understand it in context of the rest of Scripture. Nathan teaches us, however, that the lenses of our unresolved past can cause us to misread, misdefine, and misapply what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us in Scripture.
TEACHING | The Bible Jesus Read | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 15, 2023 - In this teaching, Nathan teaches us how Jesus understood the Hebrew Scriptures from a Jewish perspective. He also shows us that Jesus applied them differently depending upon to whom he was talking.
TEACHING | How Not to Read the Bible | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 8, 2023 - The Bible can be an overwhelming pursuit to understand. Nathan teaches how Jesus viewed the Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible) and how it applied to his life. He also reveals three ways we can misread and misuse the Bible.
TEACHING | Free from Depression | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
December 18, 2022 - Depression is often caused by unresolved long-term disappointment, discouragement, or frustration. Nathan teaches us that depression is a hopeless outlook that rejects God's goodness and His ability to empower us in every circumstance and relationship.
TEACHING | Free from Condemnation | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
December 11, 2022 - Spirit-filled conviction does not deny sin, but it demands that you not be defined by it. Joe Muck teaches us that condemnation does not trust what Jesus has done and is the hopeless state in which we allow our mistakes, failures, and sins to define us.
TEACHING | Free from Anger & Bitterness | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
December 4, 2022 - We often use anger to either protect or fight against emotional, physical, or mental pain and discomfort. Nathan & Lacey Steel teaches us how to be free of the two types of unrighteous anger (smoldering anger and explosive anger) from their own experience.
TEACHING | How Jesus Responds to Mess | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 13, 2022 - In this teaching, Pastor Jordan discuses Matthew 11.28-30; 8.2-3; 9.2, 35-36; 14.14; John 11.35 and that Jesus engages us in our mess.
TEACHING | Luke 15 | Jesus Forgives How We Forgive | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 6, 2022 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Luke 15 and Matthew 18 and that our unwillingness to forgive others inhibits our ability to receive God's forgiveness.
TEACHING | Luke 2.52 | Jesus' Wholeness Is Complete | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 30, 2022 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Luke 2:52 and that God’s design for our growth in wisdom and maturity happens through process.
TEACHING | CE3 | Living In Rest Without Regret | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 29, 2022 - Cultivate Experience, Session 3 - Genuine repentance leads to rest without regret. Nathan teaches us from Psalm 23 that trusting God leads us to peace of mind, joy, and grace.
TEACHING | CE2 | Walking In Step with the Holy Spirit | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 29, 2022 - Cultivate Experience, Session 2 - We are designed to live empowered by the Holy Spirit. Nathan teaches us from Matthew 12:22-37 that trusting God’s Spirit is natural to us.
TEACHING | CE1 | You Are God's Image and Likeness | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 28, 2022 - Cultivate Experience, Session 1 - Your identity is intrinsic. Nathan teaches us from Genesis 1:26 that our God-given identity cannot be changed, taken away, or earned.
TEACHING | Matthew 13 | Jesus Kingdom Exists Today | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 23, 2022 - Jesus' kingdom exists today. Nathan teaches us from Matthew 13 that the Kingdom of Heaven is now and what it means for us to live in it today. NOTE: There were some audio issues during Joe and Emme's story.
TEACHING | John 1.14 | Jesus Is Perfect Humanity | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 16, 2022 - Jesus is perfect humanity. Nathan teaches us from John 1:14 and 2 John 7 that Jesus is our model to follow — flesh empowered by the Holy Spirit.
TEACHING | Community For Christians | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 9, 2022 - Vulnerable relationship is God's heartbeat. Jordan teaches us from Genesis 1 to the book of Acts that God designed us for relational community.
TEACHING | John 14.8-11 | Jesus is Perfect Theology | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 2, 2022 - Jesus is perfect theology. Nathan teaches us from John 14.8-11 and Hebrews 1.1-3 that Jesus is the perfect representation of God.
TEACHING | John 15.15 | Jesus Is Your Friend | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
December 12, 2021 - Jesus perfectly represents God's heart to people. Jim Joiner teaches through John 1, 15, Luke 1, Hebrews 11, Mark 11. He reveals how we reject God's friendship and how we can be a better friend to Him.
TEACHING | Isaiah 61 | Plant the Seeds You Want To Sow | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
December 5, 2021 - God empowers us to celebrate all people. Nathan teaches through Isaiah 61, Malachi 4, Obadiah 15, Galatians 6, and Colossians 3. He reveals that honoring our parents and leaders — regardless of their character — affects our legacy.
TEACHING | Wholistic & Thorough Freedom | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 21, 2021 - Unresolved issues will negatively impact your view of God and people. Nathan teaches through Genesis 1, Mark 12, Hebrews 12, and Matthew 18 about how unresolved issues are the stumbling blocks to trusting God, loving Him, and loving others.
TEACHING | 1 Timothy 4.6-10 | Cultivating Countercultural Relationships | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 14, 2021 - God's design for relationships is intimacy. Jordan teaches through 1 Timothy 4.6-10 and Colossians 3.12-17. He reveals that healthy relationships are a by-product of intentionality, vulnerability, and communication.
TEACHING | God's Favor Is Your Responsibility | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 8, 2021 - God loves everyone but He favors the righteous. Nathan teaches through Genesis, 2 Chronicles, Isaiah, Micah, John, James, and Hebrews about how receiving God's favor (attention, peace, and rest) is often based upon our behaviors.
TEACHING | Luke 9.23-27 | Resurrection Requires Death | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 24, 2021 - Nathan teaches through Isaiah 61, Luke 9:23-27, and Philemon 17-20, revealing the true meaning behind what it means to have a cross to bear.
TEACHING | Resolving the Issues of Your Life | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 17, 2021 - Nathan and Lacey work through one of the most profound resources they developed, The Freedom Booklet. This booklet will help you forgive offenders, grieve loss and disappointment, release unmet expectations, or resolve your own failures.
TEACHING | Make Your Tree Healthy + Mike & Tammy Moore | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 10, 2021 - The Moores share their story of how they went from frustration and disappointment in their relationship to building an enjoyable marriage. Then, Nathan reveals the secret to our unhealthy habits and behaviors and what we can do about them.
TEACHING | Identification Is Not Identity + Lauren Joiner | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 3, 2021 - Lauren shares her story of how she went from unhealthy coping behaviors in her marriage to intimacy with her husband. Then, Nathan reveals how our labels are great for bringing clarity but are terrible for cultivating the Kingdom of Heaven.
TEACHING | Progress is Found in Presence + Jim Joiner | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
September 26, 2021 - Jim shares his story of how he went from co-dependency to confidence in his relationships. Nathan reveals through Luke 10, Acts 16, Exodus 24, Psalm 46, and 1 Peter 5 how peace can only come from the presence of God.
TEACHING | Matthew 13 | Preparing Your Heart to Hear God's Voice + Kalena Cotton | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
September 19, 2021 - Hearing God is a matter of submission. Kalena Cotton shares her story of what it took for her to come back to God after living a lesbian lifestyle. Also, Nathan reveals how Jesus' parable in Matthew 13 is the key to hearing God's voice.
TEACHING | Luke 17 | The Riskiness of Listening to God's Voice | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
September 5, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at several stories in Scripture: Joshua 6, Judges 6, 1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 5, and Luke 17. Through these stories, he challenges you with what God may be telling you to do. He also invites you to hear what God wants to tell you about your specific need.
TEACHING | The Core Values That Anchor Us | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 16, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan goes through the five core values of Cultivate Relationships and why they are so valuable to me. The five core values are: The Goodness of God, Spirit-Empowered Living, The Intrinsic Value of People, Ordinary & Extraordinary Growth, and Risky Faith.
TEACHING | Redemption from Miscarriages and Infidelity + Sarah Frerking | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 9, 2021 - In this service, Sarah shares her story of how God worked in her life despite multiple miscarriages, infidelity, and brokenness. She shares the redemption and transformation that took place in her life, marriage, and name.
TEACHING | A Discussion About Doing What Jesus Did | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 3, 2021 - In this discussion, Nathan addresses audience questions regarding the miracles Jesus did and our commission to do the same. We also talk about our hesitancy to believe and do what Jesus says we can do.
TEACHING | A Discussion About Jesus' Humanity | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 25, 2021 - In this discussion, I address audience questions regarding Jesus and his ability to identify with us. We also talk about why we may not believe we can do what Jesus did.
TEACHING | Healing Service + Alan Williams | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 18, 2021 - In this service, we hear powerful testimonies of miraculous healings and we also pray for people to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically healed.
TEACHING | Resolving Discouraging Experiences & Circumstances - Part 2 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 28, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan works through one of our most simple yet profound resources, The Freedom Booklet. In our previous teaching, he highlighted destructive mindsets and habits and their origin. In this follow-up teaching, Nathan will show you how to resolve and replace these unhealthy mindsets and habits.
TEACHING | Galatians 5.16-21 | Realize Discouraging Thoughts and Behaviors - Part 1 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 21, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Galatians 5.16-21; Matthew 12.33-37; and Luke 17.1-4 in dealing with unhealthy and discouraging thoughts and behaviors. He highlights these destructive mindsets and habits. In the second teaching, He will show you how to replace them with healthy, encouraging thoughts and behaviors.
TEACHING | John 16.24 | Blessed and a Blessing | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 14, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses John 16.24 and why some of our prayers appear to go unanswered. He also addresses this issue in light of Luke 15:11-32 — the story of the rebellious and religious sons.
TEACHING | Genesis 1.26-27 | God Sees You As Good | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 7, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Genesis 1.26-27 and how God created us in His image and likeness. He explains that our identity determines our activity — who we believe we are will determine what we believe we can do.
TEACHING | John 8.31-38 | God Speaks Life to Dead Things | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 28, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses John 8.31-38 and how we thrive when we listen to and trust the Holy Spirit's word for our life and the lives of those around us.
TEACHING | Genesis 32 | Pursue People How God Pursues You | Cultivate Relationship

Cultivate Relationships
February 7, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan goes through Genesis 32 — where Jacob and Esau reconcile. Through this story, we see that pursuing someone the way God pursues us — freely and sacrificially — may require us to resolve our past experiences with them.
TEACHING | Romans 2.1-4 | God's Kindness is the Catalyst to Change | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 31, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Romans 2:1-4 and how God's generous kindness is what leads us to change our mindsets and behaviors. He also reveals how showing kindness to others is more effective than judging them.
TEACHING | Matthew 6.19-24 | How Generosity Releases Peace | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 24, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Matthew 6.19-24 and how God designed us to trust Him and be generous to others. He reveals that it is within this God-given design that we experience the most peace of mind.
TEACHING | Mark 5.18-20 | Jesus Overcomes Darkness through Our Vulnerability | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 17, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Mark 5.18-20 and John 4.28-30 and how being vulnerable with Jesus sets us free and how being vulnerable with others can set them free.
TEACHING | Revelation 2.1-7 | How to Have Faith Amidst Unfaithful Times | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
January 10, 2021 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Revelation 2.1-7 and discusses how being convinced by the Holy Spirit will lead to peace of mind and healthy behaviors.
TEACHING | Philippians 4.6| The #1 Key to Breakthrough is You + Lacey Steel | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
December 14, 2020 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Philippians 4.6 and discusses how we can experience breakthrough in our life.
TEACHING | The End Times... and why you'll want to be left behind | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 30, 2020 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at the Kingdom of God throughout the Bible. I also reveal what is happening now and how it will impact the future.
TEACHING | How To Be Free From Judgment + Heidi Mills | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 16, 2020 - Guest speaker, Heidi Mills, teaches on the subjects of vows and judgments and how they invite torment and temptation into our lives. She also walks us through a time of prayer for freedom from the vows and judgments we've made.
TEACHING | Freedom from Anger + Lacey Steel | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 2, 2020 - This message is called “Freedom from Anger” and features Lacey speaking to her freedom from anger along with a Q&A with Nathan & Lacey Steel.
TEACHING | Romans 12.3 | The Issue of Pride | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 4, 2020 - In this teaching, Nathan co-teaches with Pastor Scott Frerking discussing Romans 12.3 and the issue of pride — disagreeing with what God says about you and others. Nathan shares how pride can affect our ability to live in unity with other Christians. **NOTE: Due to this being a streamed video, there are some glitches in the stream.**
TEACHING | Matthew 18.21-35 | The Unforgiving Servant | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 4, 2018 - Nathan looks at Matthew 18.21-35 and discusses false definitions of forgiveness. He also shares that how we forgive others reveals how we believe God forgives us.
TEACHING | Psalm 77.1-3 | Our Feelings Lead To God's Actions | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 25, 2018 - In this teaching, Nathan co-teaches with Pastor Scott Frerking discussing Psalm 77.1-3 and revealing that as we acknowledge our specific pain and distress, it opens us up to receive specific grace and peace from God. They also share about how the Holy Spirit’s grace is not generic; rather, His grace for each one of us is flavored by each one of our unique needs.
TEACHING | Genesis 32.22-32 | How to Earn God's Favor | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
July 7, 2017 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Genesis 32.22-32 and reveals that the story of Jacob wrestling with God is about God being genuinely impressed with Jacob. Ultimately, Jacob was blessed by God because he recognized his complete dependence upon Him.
TEACHING | Genesis 4.1-4 | You Are Important | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 26, 2017 - In this teaching, Nathan reveals what self-inflicted mindset led to Cain’s demise and ultimate rejection of God in Genesis 4.1-4. He reveals how our Heavenly Father always pursues us despite our misbelief or disbelief of Him.
TEACHING | 1 Peter 5.1-14 | Your Enemy Is Powerless | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 19, 2016 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses 1 Peter 5.1-14 and reveals that the extent to which we humble ourselves before God and sacrificially serve others (deny ourselves) directly affects our ability to resist the enemy.
TEACHING | Ephesians 3.1-21 | Making Jesus Comfortable In Your Heart | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 15, 2016 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Ephesians 3.1-21 and the two reasons Jesus may not be comfortable around you. He also reveals what you can do to make Jesus more at home in your heart.
TEACHING | Acts 10.1-11.18 | God Ignores Your Rules | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
February 14, 2016 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Acts 10.1-11.18 — Peter's dream of eating unclean animals and the invitation to visit an unclean home — and how God will often call us to break our rules for the sake of someone else's freedom.
TEACHING | Acts 2.41-47 | How To Practically Love People | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
December 6, 2015 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Acts 2.41-47 and reveals that the early church was able to be generous in their relationships and with their finances because they trusted the Holy Spirit. He explains that our ability to be generous in our relationships and with our finances is directly dependent upon the extent to which we fear God.
TEACHING | Luke 15.11-32 | Why You May Not Feel Loved | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
July 19, 2015 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Luke 15.11-32 — the parable of the prodigal son — and how our Heavenly Father responds to our rebellion and our religion with love and identity.
TEACHING | Romans 8.26-28 | Is God Safe and Is He Good? | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 19, 2015 - In this teaching, Nathan shares his story through the lens of Romans 8.26-28. He reveals that our life's unresolved events and relationships influence our view of God.
TEACHING | Matthew 6.5-18 | Pray Like This… | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 15, 2015 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Matthew 6.5-18 and how to get the most out of your times of prayer. He also reveals how to hear God’s voice more clearly.
TEACHING | Haggai 1.12-15 | The Art of Living A Fulfilled Life | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 12, 2014 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Haggai 1.12-15 and how our ability to live fulfilled lives depends upon the extent to which we trust the Father, not upon our circumstances or past (what you’ve done/been do to you).
TEACHING | Ephesians 6.10-20 | How To Defeat the Enemy | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
September 22, 2014 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Ephesians 6.10-20 and how the only way we can defeat the enemy is to look beyond the physical & temporal to the spiritual & eternal — utilizing our spiritual weapons.
TEACHING | 1 Kings 18.17-40 | How to Kill the Lies You Believe | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
July 14, 2014 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses 1 Kings 18.17-40 where Elijah kills the Ba'al prophets. He reveals how to kill the false prophets (the lies we believe) that are in our mind.
TEACHING | Matthew 16 | How to Reconcile with Someone | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 29, 2013 - In this teaching Nathan discusses Matthew 16, Romans 12, and 2 Corinthians 5. He reveals that reconciliation is both repentance and forgiveness being extended and received.
TEACHING | 2 Corinthians 5.17-18 | What Is Your Identity? | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 1, 2013 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses 2 Corinthians 5.17-18 and how you are set free from your past — things you've done and things done to you —to be the real you — to live from your God-given identity.
TEACHING | Luke 15.11-32 | Affirming Your God-Given Identity | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 18, 2013 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Luke 15.11-32 and reveals that while the rebellious son was reconciled with the Father through repentance the religious son rejected the Father through unforgiveness.
TEACHING | Romans 8.1-8 | Freedom of Condemnation | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 13, 2012 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Romans 8.1-8 and reveals that Jesus has taken both our judgment and punishment. He also reveals that the Holy Spirit is continually convincing us (i.e., conviction) of a better, more healthy and fulfilling way to live.
TEACHING | Romans 8.11 | How To Engage In Spiritual Warfare | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
August 13, 2012 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Romans 8.11 and the weapons we use (and how to use them) to defeat the enemy in our life.
TEACHING | Ephesians 4.26-27 | How to Overcome Anger | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
June 11, 2012 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Ephesians 4.26-27 and reveals that anger is ultimately an issue of who we submit to. He reveals that our unhealthy anger may be denying others the opportunity to be in a relationship with their Heavenly Dad.
TEACHING | 1 John 1.5-10 | Arrow of Shame | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 14, 2012 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses 1 John 1:5-10 and reveals how if our identity is in Jesus and who he says we are then we will be able to live in freedom. However, if our identity is in our experiences, then we trust satan and will live in shame, false condemnation, and slavery.
TEACHING | Genesis 32.22-32 | The Patriarchs | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 9, 2012 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Genesis 32.22-32 and reveals how often times we will view our parents, other people, or events in our life as the source of our identity when we need to look to Jesus and his love, grace, mercy, and truth in our lives.
TEACHING | Matthew 18.15-21 | Free to Confront | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 23, 2012 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Matthew 18.15-21 and how to have difficult but life-giving conversations with people.
TEACHING | Acts 1.1-11 | The Kingdom of Heaven | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 14, 2012 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Acts 1.1-11 and reveals that the Kingdom of Heaven is now.
TEACHING | Acts 10.1-33 | Answers To Prayer That We Don’t Like | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
November 16, 2011 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Acts 10.1-33 and the uncomfortable answer God gives Peter in his time of prayer.
TEACHING | Capture Conference | Filming 101 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 22, 2011 - Nathan and Lacey share the basics of how to film interviews on a shoestring budget.
TEACHING | Capture Conference | Innovation in the Church | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 22, 2011 - Limited resources + increasing passion = exponential creativity. Nathan teaches at a creative conference on how God’s creativity is often found where our lack (or perceived lack) and our intimacy with the Heavenly Father come together.
TEACHING | Capture Conference | The Heart of the Artist | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
October 22, 2011 - Story is everything. Lacey teaches at a creative conference on the importance of stories within the local church. She reveals that creativity is most effective when coming from a heart that is not seeking attention or self-worth.
TEACHING | Mark 4.35-41 | Jesus Calms the Storm - AUDIO ONLY | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 29, 2011 - AUDIO ONLY - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Mark 4.35-41 and the misconceptions about the storms in our life. He also shares how to overcome and make it through the storms we face.
TEACHING | Acts 1.12-26 | The Deserter and the Replacement - AUDIO ONLY | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 22, 2011 - AUDIO ONLY - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Acts 1.12-26, Judas, his replacement, Matthias, and the idolatry that led Judas to be replaced as an Apostle.
TEACHING | Acts 1.1-11 | Waiting for Reinforcements - AUDIO ONLY | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 15, 2011 - AUDIO ONLY - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Acts 1.1-11 and Jesus' encouragement to the disciples to spread the Kingdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
TEACHING | Nehemiah 6.1-14 | The Tactics of the Enemy - AUDIO ONLY | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
September 26, 2010 - AUDIO ONLY - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Nehemiah 6.1-14 and the three ways the enemy can get you off course from fulfilling you God-given purpose. He also shares the two keys for staying on course and not getting distracted by the enemy.
TEACHING | Matthew 6.19-34 | Live Free from a Paralyzed Christianity | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
September 8, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Matthew 6.19-34 and reveals that fear and anxiety are a result of predicting a future event without Jesus. He shares three practical steps that help begin the process of resolving fear and anxiety in our lives.
TEACHING | Titus 3.9-15 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
August 29, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Titus 3.9-15 and avoiding divisive debates and controversies that are unproductive and warns against divisive individuals. He also shares about the personal instructions Paul leaves to Titus, encouragement him to devote himself to good works, and a reminder to support one another within the faith community.
TEACHING | Titus 2.11-3.8 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
August 22, 2010 - In this teaching, Jeremy teaches on Titus 2.11-3.8 and emphasizes that God's grace, revealed through Jesus Christ, brings salvation and teaches us to live godly lives, marked by self-control, righteousness, and hope in His return. Believers are called to devote themselves to good works, showing humility and kindness toward all, as a reflection of the mercy and renewal they’ve received through the Holy Spirit.
TEACHING | Nehemiah 1.1-11 | Living Compelled by God | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
August 22, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Nehemiah 1.1-11 and how we are often compelled by what troubles us most. He also shares how if we are not troubled by anything then we haven’t engaged our world or culture in a meaningful way and that when we don’t make a decision for good we make a decision for evil.
TEACHING | Titus 1.10-2.10 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
August 15, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan facilitates a discussion on Titus 1.10-2.10 and Paul's warning of false teachers and encouragement to different groups within the church at Crete (including the older men and women along with younger men and women, husbands, wives, and children).
TEACHING | Titus 1.1-9 | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
August 8, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Titus 1.1-9 and Paul's encouragement to Titus to raise leaders, teach sound doctrine, and model an upright lifestyle, challenging both individuals and the church to reflect Jesus in their character and actions for the sake of their reputation and witness to the world.
TEACHING | Mark 10.17-22 | Follow Jesus | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
August 01, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Mark 10.17-22 and how we incline ourselves away from trusting God and toward trusting ourselves with temporal security, comfort, and control.
TEACHING | Matthew 6.5-18 | How to Pray | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
July 14, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan looks at Matthew 6.5-18 and reveals how Jesus prayed and taught his followers to pray.
TEACHING | Matthew 26.36-46 | The Most Important Thing In Life | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
May 19, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Matthew 26.36-46 and reveals why Jesus succeeded in life. He reveals three ways we can be sure we also succeed no matter what we may or may not accomplish. These include our relationships, our vulnerability, and our gratitude.
TEACHING | 1 Peter 2.11-12 | Making the Kingdom of God Our Home | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
April 14, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses 1 Peter 2.11-12 and reveals four characteristics of this world that tempt us into removing our focus from trusting God into trusting ourselves.
TEACHING | Matthew 26.36-46 | Praying In Your Gethsemane Like Jesus | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 28, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Matthew 26.36-46 and the healthy principles Jesus lived by to get through grief, suffering, and temptation.
TEACHING | Matthew 6.5-15 | How To Pray Like A Disciple of Jesus | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 21, 2010 - In this teaching, Nathan discusses Matthew 6.5-15 and the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray. He also breaks down how each point within the prayer applies to our lives today.
TEACHING | An Introduction to Prayer | Cultivate Relationships

Cultivate Relationships
March 14, 2010 - Prayer is what connects us to God. In this teaching, Nathan discusses Acts 10:9-12 and Peter's prayer and God's response through a dream. He also shares some basic principles about what prayer simply is and is not.
TEACHING | Revelation 8-11 | Two Witnesses | Cultivate Relationships Unlisted Video
1 year ago
June 04, 2023 - God is perceived safe for those who put their trust, dependence, and faith in Him. God is dangerous to those who distrust or mistrust Him and live independent of His design. In this Bible Classroom exclusive, Nathan discusses chapters 8-11 and the two witnesses.
Cultivate Relationships
1 month agoSTB111 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P1:E2 | Cultivate Relationships
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