Newt Gingrich on The Story With Martha MacCallum | October 9, 2020

3 years ago

Newt talks with Martha MacCallum on President Trump's efforts to contain the coronavirus, the presidential and vice presidential debates, and more.


I think he has a clear path to a very large victory. It starts by continuing to pressure Biden over whether or not he would pack the court. Two-thirds of the American people are deeply opposed to packing the court. The radical left, the base of the Democratic party, is deeply committed to packing the court. That's what he and Kamala Harris are fighting. Just keep driving the idea that this guy is afraid or for some other reason, won't tell the truth. I think that it is beginning to take form, and the first time that I've seen in the election, that the news media is actually going after Biden and I've never seen him do it until the last couple days. Second, Trump is a very simple argument to win, is he the guy who mishandled COVID-19 and 200,000 Americans died, or is he the guy early on who understood the threat, was told that it could kill over 2 million people, and made the right decisions even though Biden, Harris, Pelosi attacked him? And as a result, Trump saved over 2 million lives. The answer to the choice is a very big part of what this campaign is about in the last two weeks.

I think that’s part of the challenge. This is a Chinese virus; it came in a way we did not expect. When the president took the right steps to save millions of lives, it was Pelosi, Biden, Harris, and other Democrats who attacked him and ridiculed him, called him names. So, probably 2 million people are alive today because Donald Trump didn't listen to Joe Biden or to Nancy Pelosi. Two of the states who’ve had most deaths, New York and New Jersey, it is Democratic governors who did exactly the wrong thing. There's no question, Governor Cuomo for example ended up with policies that killed somwhere between 6 and 12 million senior citizens. We have to have an honest and open conversation and not just allow the left-wing media to define reality. The fact is, when this started, we were told -- the President was told by experts, that well over 2 million Americans were at risk. He took a very bold decisions and as a result, he may have saved 2 million lives.

I just wrote a newsletter at Gingrich360 which is available for free, we’re releasing it tomorrow morning, calling for abolishing the commission. What the commission has done is completely and totally undermined the President of the United States. First, who they picked as moderators, consistently Democrats, consistently Washington insiders. Second, look at the fact that they changed the rules. The moderators in general, the next moderator, Steve Scully is a wonderful guy, but he was an intern for Biden, an intern for Teddy Kennedy, you have to take some seriousness about this. The last moderator is a terrific reporter, but did write a very glowing biography of Nancy Pelosi. You do not see you or Tucker Carlson, or Sean Hannity. We see nobody on the right ever offered a position as a professional moderator. You're always going in to it with it being two to one against you and then they change the rules. I think they did so in part to smother Vice President Pence's brilliant debate of the night before.

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