Newt Gingrich on Fox News Channel's America's Newsroom | December 2, 2020

4 years ago


Look, as a historian, I am totally confused by what is going on. You have a serious case in Nevada where 600,000 ballots have never been seen by the Republicans. You have a very serious case in Wisconsin where 200,000 votes could be thrown out according to Reince Priebus, the former Republican National Committee chair from Wisconsin and a lawyer. You have a serious case in Michigan. You have chaos in Pennsylvania where a Pennsylvania judge said she doesn't see how Biden could possibly have carried the state. And then you have Georgia which is a total mess because of the secretary of state who I think has clearly broken the law over and over again. I look at that as a historian, and I've never seen anything like this in my life. You have to understand, the propaganda media doesn't cover the news. The propaganda media spent five years trying to destroy Trump. They aren't about to turn around and in any way help him, so they're not going to cover anything which would in any way threaten Joe Biden. That's just a fact. It's where we are as a country. The question is whether the judicial system and the general public override the news media bias. The Constitution is very clear: the state legislatures, not the governor, not the secretary of state, not the judges, the state legislatures have control of all these electors. In every one of the states I mentioned, the state legislature could insist on a complete and thorough examination and complete and thorough count before agreeing to send anybody as an elector. I'm frankly puzzled by how you could have this many different allegations and not realize that there is something profoundly wrong. These aren't coming from the Trump team, these are coming from people all over the country.

The desperation by the left wing media from day one to pretend there is nothing here to challenge, there is no procedure, the electors are automatic, Trump is being a spoiled person. It's totally wrong. Forget Donald Trump for a minute. Every American deserves to know that this is an honest election. Every American deserves to know that their vote counted and wasn't either stolen or submerged by stolen votes, and so from the standpoint of the American people, we ought to insist on getting to the bottom of this. I think it's very troubling how widespread the corruption is, how deep the commitment is to cover it up, and yet day-by-day more people show up. We learn every single day new things about how bad it is. Georgia is just as bad as the rest of them. I just learned this morning these various ballot boxes that the secretary of state has been distributing have no record of when the ballots were taken out, who took them out, or how they were handled. This stuff is an invitation to theft. It's appalling to me to have a Republican Secretary of State like Raffensperger, who is clearly so thoroughly intimidated by Stacey Abrams that the things he is doing guarantee the easiness of stealing an election.

Well look, I think Biden is about to discover how much harder it is to be president than vice president. In an ideal world, because he wants to be an insider, he wants to be a unifier, he is not like Trump. He's not coming from the outside. He is coming from having been in Washington since 1972. You would have thought they would have run the traps and called a bunch of people and would have found out whether or not Neera Tanden was acceptable. I think it's a pretty dangerous sign if this is the future of the Biden administration that they can't do the basic blocking and tackling that you've got to do. But so far what he has done, it's like watching the Blues Brothers, he's bringing back the Obama band. Insiders, lobbyists, all the people that the country rebelled against in 2016, are becoming part of the Biden administration.

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