Newt Gingrich on Fox Business Channel's Mornings with Maria | December 22, 2020

3 years ago


Look, I actually think Kamala Harris by her candor further helped the Republican cause because she echoed what Chuck Schumer had said: "First we take Georgia, then we change America." So I think what we're going to find is that there's not a majority in Georgia for radically changing America and certainly in both Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, they've nominated extraordinarily radical candidates. One may be the most radical candidate nominated by a major party for the Senate, and I think they're almost certainly going to lose. It all depends on turnout. If every conservative and every moderate who does not want to see radical change turns out to vote, then the two Republicans will be reelected and that will have a huge impact historically on what happens. If Republicans have a majority in the Senate and almost a majority in the House, that's going to moderate Biden dramatically, and frankly if Schumer got a majority in the Senate, that would embolden Biden. I think this is the most important runoff in American history.


I was going to say, when Raphael Warnock in one of his sermons said, "If you're for cutting taxes, you're for killing babies" and he compared the people who voted for the tax cut in 2017 to King Herod killing all the baby boys when Jesus was born. Now, I think the number of Georgians who believe that voting for cutting taxes is the equivalent of killing babies -- by the way, Warnock himself is very pro-abortion so it's an ironic position he took. I think very few people would equate tax cuts, -- you were talking earlier this morning about New York's problems. I thought de Blasio was a huge help to the Georgia Senate race when he announced in his press conference last week that he was waiting on the budget to see who won in Georgia, implying that if the Democrats win in Georgia, he expects to get money out of Georgians to pay for New York's bills, but if the Republicans win in Georgia, he's probably going to have to solve it without money from the federal government. I thought that was a signal to Georgians from the mayor of New York that their pocketbook is on the line with this election.


I think AOC gets a lot more publicity than her strength in the House warrants. As you know, Democrats on the Steering Committee voted 46-13 against her. 46-13. Almost four to one against her getting on the Energy and Commerce Committee. I thought that was a really clear signal that there are a lot of Democrat whose are fed up with AOC. She has a big mouth but doesn't have a big following in the Congress. She just proved that. I think Pelosi's problem is different. Pelosi is presiding over a decaying majority. Kevin McCarthy's campaign, his commitment to America, the recruiting they did, they had a dramatically better election than any of the national experts thought they would. Instead of losing 15 seats, which is what Pelosi thought, she thought she would pick up 15 seats from Republicans, instead she lost something like a dozen seats. That's a swing of 27 seats in expectation. She's down to a point now where she doesn't have many votes that she can afford to lose and still be Speaker. I don't think AOC has the courage to do it, but if she wanted to, her group could stop Pelosi in her tracks by refusing to vote for her. Pelosi has to get 218 to be speaker. That's a narrow number, given how many losses they've had.


Well, I've always opposed Special Counsels. I think that they're a terrible institution. All of them in the Special Counsel think have to get somebody to justify what they're doing. I think the regular process, having a U.S. Attorney who is responsible for tracking down all of Hunter Biden's activities is legitimate. Whether or not the Biden administration would try to cover it up, we'll have to wait and see. I mean, things are gradually dribbling out. It's pretty clear that they did have business ties in China, as well as in Ukraine, Russia, and Romania. I think at some point this will all come out, and again, if the Republicans retain the Senate, I suspect you'll get a Congressional investigation directly into this and I think that the country needs to know. I mean, Chinese penetration of our system is very, very real. The same crisis is in the House. Congressman Swalwell had an ongoing relationship for years with a Chinese communist spy and yet despite that, Nancy Pelosi put him on the Intelligence Committee. That's another area where I think people have to dig in. He ought to be kicked off the Intelligence Committee. People should ask what was his hold on Pelosi that even after the FBI had briefed them that he had a relationship with a Chinese communist spy, she still put him on the committee? That makes no sense. I used to have her role. I've appointed people to the Intelligence Committee. I can't imagine why you would appoint Swalwell with his Chinese communist ties.

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