Newt Gingrich on Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends | December 7, 2020

3 years ago


I thought that Senator Loeffler did a great job. I thought that the back and forth several times when she was able to communicate with Warnock stood for her. She obviously has thought about this a lot and I thought Warnock did a pretty good job. He's a Baptist preacher. His entire life has been in the pulpit giving speeches. He is a natural. This was not her natural area, and I thought given that, she got every single message across about his radicalism, his position against the police, against the military. His position in favor of abortion and for higher taxes. I think on balance she did very well. This election is going to come down to turnout. The objective fact is I believe Trump probably did actually carry Georgia. I believe that the election process is a mess. I really wish the governor would call a special session to clean it up. Republicans simply have to turn out more votes than Stacey Abrams can steal. It's a very straightforward thing. I think they will probably keep both seats Republican. But every person who's worried about the future of the country from a conservative standpoint has to go vote. And that's the number one challenge, not the debate or the arguments, getting people to vote in this runoff.

First of all, I thought she did a great job in the very clip you just showed. When she was asked, "D you represent Trump or do you represent Kemp?" "I represent Georgia. I work for Georgia." Second, the governor's for her, the president is for her, the vice president is for her. She doesn't have to get involved in any of this. All she has to say is compared to letting Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris run the country, she is vastly better for every Republican. The governor, by the way, has come out and said he really thinks there should be a recount. He has come out for that. The state legislature is coming out for that. I think ultimately this is going to be different than it looked round 1.

I thought her position: Kelly Loeffler represents Georgia. She doesn't have to choose between the two, and I thought she was very disciplined. Look, I have done that a lot in my career. That is a hard thing. Notice the panel was against her. I mean notice how hostile the questions to her were and what their tone was like, and she sailed right through it.

They can steal a couple ways. First of all, you have 1,200,000 unverified absentee ballots. Now, in 2018, 3.5% of the absentee ballots were thrown out. This year was 0.3, the difference is three times Biden's margin, and nobody can explain it. The agreement the secretary of state made with Stacey Abrams was crazy. They have their back now once again with these boxes where can you drop off ballots which are an invitation to going out and gathering up votes, which is illegal under Georgia law. I can tell you the Republicans have learned, they are spending an enormous amount of energy monitoring every one ever these drop box. They're also looking very hard at what's happening. By the way, the county governments will not allow Republicans in to see who they are sending the ballots to. So, the only time you can verify a signature that matters is on the way out, which the counties won't let Republicans watch. When the ballots come back in, under the disagreement the secretary of state made, you are not allowed to verify them. The result has been at least three times as many votes would have been ruled out as Biden's entire margin. That doesn't count other problems which we have seen. You know, the video on the security camera of the person who happened to have an entire batch of extra ballots. A lot of things that went on that are, you know, I spent a lot of time in Georgia politics. I have never seen an election that was this blatantly disorganized and blatantly in favor of being stolen.

I think they are working on it right now. It's part of why the governor should call a special session. Dick Morris did an analysis. If it was the balance you were describing, they were 3 to 1 for Biden. If they were the normal ballots, they were about 54-46 for Biden. If people showed up to vote, they were overwhelmingly for Trump. You had this massive number of votes for Biden, and in a number of states it turns out there are thousands of ballots where they don't vote for the senator, they don't vote for the Congress, they don't vote for the county government. They only have one vote for Biden. Now, you might think that's because if you are trying to steal votes it's more efficient to just mark one for Biden, and I think in state after state we are seeing examples of this kind of basically old fashioned ballot box stuffing but done on a scale we have never seen before.

What she basically just said was hundreds of thousands of Americans have suffered because Nancy Pelosi said no. If you are going to talk about the speaker, I'm very worried that they are going to try to steal both the New York Congressional seat and an Iowa Congressional seat.

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