Newt Gingrich on Fox News Channel's Fox and Friends | November 1, 2021

2 years ago


Sure, look, I mean, I think the easiest way to summarize where we are is it ain't working. It ain't working on inflation. It ain't working on gasoline prices. The truth is, what they are going to do in Glasgow is an absurdity because China won't participate. China is the largest polluter in the world. And they have basically said, you know, we like jobs, we like energy. And we like low costs. So goodbye. All these other folks are going to gather. They will sing Kumbaya in a climate language and go home and say well, we got a lot done. It's sort of typical of the Biden administration. Nothing achieved, nothing accomplished but they all smile a lot.


I think, first of all, Youngkin has run a great race. He picked on the issue you covered so well in the last segment which is education. People are really angry the radical education establishment whether it's on critical race theory or it's on eliminating schools of excellence or a whole variety of other things. It's just made people mad. In the Loudoun County school board lying about the rape of the young girl in the ladies room by a guy in a dress, I mean, the whole thing gets to be weird. And that guy was transferred and then attacked another girl in another school. So, I think all this stuff is bubbling and people looking and going McAuliffe is lying. We don't trust him. Youngkin is brand new face. He has got big ideas. And the other difference is McAuliffe has gone national. He has brought in all these national players. Youngkin has gone state and really emphasized Virginia. In the contrast people are going, not voting for senator. I'm voting for governor. And McAuliffe has no new ideas for Virginia.


Look, I think it's not enough just to be anti-Biden or anti-Kamala Harris. I think we have to recognize that faced with China, faced with all sorts of great challenges, we have to think about what we would do to make America successful, prosperous, and safe. And that's not just an anti-Biden thing. I thought early on about writing an anti-Biden book. And I decided that's the wrong direction. Biden is going to fail. But then what? And we need to have a very positive agenda of sufficient education reform, sufficient infrastructure reform. Sufficient economic growth. Overhauling the Pentagon decisively and the intelligence community. All these are big jobs. And in Beyond Biden, I outline when we get rid of these folks because they will fail, because they will. What will we do. What's the positive program of the future? That's the purpose of "Beyond Biden."

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