Newt Gingrich | Fox News Channel's America's Newsroom | February 8 2023

2 years ago


No, look. I think this was a fantasy State of the Union. You got to hear from a guy who resides in a White House, flies on Marine One to the airport to pick up Air Force One to go to Delaware so he can bicycle every weekend. His world is fine. It is just the rest of us who are in pain. I think what you saw last night was a speech that was totally disconnected from reality. His comments about China were on the verge of laughable. We met this challenge, and we did what was necessary. That's baloney. Totally dishonest. His comments about the border, totally dishonest. His attempt to attack the Republicans on Medicare and social security. Totally dishonest. It was a breathtaking speech. Frankly I thought the big news of the evening was Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders who became a Republican star nationally with what I think may have been the best value speech by a Republican since Ronald Reagan in 1964. I've been checking with friends all morning and they are blown away by how she captured the real choice between normal and crazy, the degree to which Biden now because he believes it or is intimidated is part of the crazy. That's what you saw last night. He just literally stood there and lied to the American people again and again. The problem is people -- 72% of the American people say they are living paycheck to paycheck. They hear this guy telling them how great it is, and they are thinking what planet is he on? The American people watch the Chinese balloon go all the way across the country as Babylon Bee put it. The balloon got to finish its job before he shot it down. They look at that stuff and think does this guy really believe any of the stuff he is saying?


Look, I think anybody who backs up and looks at the entire forest realizes the F.B.I. was corrupted. The justice department was corrupted. They then took that corruption into the hi-tech companies. The high tech companies were eager to collude with them and so was "The New York Times" so was the "Washington post", so were ABC, NBC, and CBS. You look at the concerted effort by the entire establishment to discredit the Hunter Biden story, the 51 intelligence officers who signed a totally false letter discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop. The effort in October to defeat Donald Trump was totally corrupt and historic and involved a total abuse of government power and an absolute violation of the constitution. All of that -- you can argue about election day results. The campaign itself was clearly corrupted in October. Imagine if everybody said the "New York Post" story is true. We ought to know about the $61 million at the University of Pennsylvania or the $20 million at the University of Delaware or the amount of money being given to Hunter Biden or the diamond he was given. You would have had a totally different election had the country been told the truth.


I think that's right. I have to say, by the way, the one time last night that I was glad the Republicans were so raucous -- when Biden tried to lie about Medicare and social security. They absolutely bludgeoned him away from a message he was told he was going to make a major speech in Tampa this week attacking Republicans on Medicare and social security. I don't think he can do that now. That's the one time. The rest of the time I watched speaker McCarthy keep going shhh, trying to keep his people quiet and be respectful. By the way you notice McCarthy did not tear up the speech. I want to point that out.


Yeah, I told Callista when it was over I thought we now heard his thematic for two years now. If you look at this morning, CBS came out with a poll this morning that is just devastating on every question about Biden's effectiveness. He is between 25 and 29% approval. Finish the job may mean get rid of him. I'm not sure yet. Look at the border thing. What he said about the border was totally hypocritical. It was astonishing to watch him stand there with millions of people flooding into the U.S. and pretend the border was okay. And I think the average American knows this. And I think the result is going to be he will have a very hard time running for re-election. I think only 38% of Democrats want him to run and candidly I don't see how they keep Kamala Harris on the ticket. The prospect of her becoming president will make her a major issue if she is on the ticket in 2024. Frankly, I would love to see -- I would love to see Sarah Huckabee Sanders versus Kamala Harris debate. I think that would be an interesting debate.

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