Money, Guns, and District Attorneys - The George Brauchler Show - June 6, 2023

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The flash flooding, a mother allegedly killing her daughter, and the Denver Mayoral Election are on the table this hour.  Geroge discusses the local news and more.  Then we play You Chose the News.  

Should Governor Polis issue an executive order banning ALL guns in the state?  Between 1,000 and 2,000 women staged a protest at te Colorado Capitol yesterday to asks for exactly that. George comments on the gathering and their ask for an Executive Order that is unconstitutional.  Callers and George discuss how you get so many women to gather on a Monday and if they have a reasonable goal.  If their goal is unachievable, are they wasting their time?  

An apparent feud between two neighbors in Florida has turned deadly.  One woman has shot another woman in front of her 9 year old son, through a closed and locked door over an argument about kids playing in the neighborhood.  George discusses the details and asks if Florida's Stand My Ground Law will apply.  Was there an imminent threat of death that would justify shooting through a closed and locked door?  How do stories like this impact the gun rights debate in the nation?  

Is America becoming trigger happy?  George and callers discuss another story where someone inside a house shoots and kills someone standing on their front porch.  This time it was a mother with her 9-year-old son standing next to her, that was shot through a closed and locked door.  Is this a reflection of American Society?  Bad gun laws?  Bad People? Is there a solution?  

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