Jay Vincent

1 year ago

Jay Vincent: Evidence shows that more volume doesn't get
better results; lifting explosively doesn't improve speed.
You used high intensity training in NFL & NCAA: why?

There is controversy in the athletic
training industry, but not in the
evidence-based practices.
Follow the science & there is no
I started with the powerlifting
approach recommended by the
National Strength & Conditioning
As graduate assistant at Ohio State
University: attended evidence-based

Mike Gittleson, Michigan University,
Kim Wood, Cincinnati Bengals
taught high intensity approach
-as traditional coach, I had injuries
-hurting kids, while rationalizing that
I was helping them
-That is what broadened my view on
how to approach strength coaching

I have coached 25k sessions,
have never had an injury in the
weight room.
Answer: Since I began using
evidence-based training, no.
My main job, as strength coach, was
to protect the players from the
rigors of sport....NOT ADD TO THEM
In NFL, teams I coached were always
in top 10 Least Injured Teams



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