Christs Holy Sacrifice of The Mass- Christ Sacrifice Ever Present Time Since God Is Outside of Time

1 year ago

Christs Holy Sacrifice of The Mass- Christ Sacrifice Ever Present Time Since God Is Outside of Time
The Heavenly Liturgy United With The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

If only people realized the most precious gift the Lord has given us through the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Christ’s once and for all Sacrifice on Calvary is ever present in Time.

Christ’s Last Super, the Passion, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection are made present in the Heavenly Sanctuary, and at each and every Mass said throughout the world.

Thus when we devoutly attend and pray the Mass we are literally at the foot of the cross uniting our sufferings, offerings and prayers with the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary with and through Christ to our Heavenly Father.

Thus the Mass is thee most powerful prayer on earth. There is nothing that comes close to this powerful prayer because it is truly united to the Cross of Calvary. Calvary is made present before our eyes at every Mass. It is the most efficacious prayer/offering for ourselves, our sins, our friends, relatives, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the salvation of the whole world.

It is as St Padre Pio tells us, “If we understood the mass we would risk our lives to be in attendance at Mass. ” “We would need traffic officers at church doors everyday to keep the crowds in order”

Now you Ask where does this all come from.

Christ’s once and for all sacrifice is ever present in time, because Christ is God. He is outside of time and Christ's once and for all sacrifice goes all the way to the beginning of time for Adam and Eve and to the end of time for the last man standing for the forgiveness of sins.

We know this from the Book of Revelations 13:8 Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. and in Revelations 5:6 I saw the lamb standing as though He had been slain. While Christ's Sacrifice on Calvary occurred at a particular point in History it TRANSCENDS Time....

Mass is linked to the Heavenly Liturgy. We see this throughout the Book Revelations, but in particular in Revelations Chapters 4-5: Rev chapter 5 verse 6 I saw the lamb standing as though he was slain, and angels singing day and night “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty

In Heb 6:20 Heb 5:6 Tells us Christ our Paschal Lamb is a Priest forever in the Order of Melchizedek. And if Christ is priest forever He must have a sacrificial offering forever, that transcends Time Rev 13:8 for He was slain from the foundations of the world

In Hebrews 9:24-26, and 8:2-6, we see Christ’s once and for all SACRIFICE IS EVER PRESENT IN TIME before the Father in the Heavenly Sanctuary after Christ’s (ascension) not a copy sanctuary made with human hands:.

Christ the lamb standing as though he had been slain (Rev. 5:6). He APPEARS IN HEAVEN in the state of a victim to Make INTERCESSION for our sins Rom 8:34, Hebrews 7:25

Christ IS(not was) the atoning sacrifice for our sins 1 John 2:2

Now the Greek word “Memory” in Jewish terms most always means a “Memorial Sacrifice”

(Strongs G364) Anamnesis ("REMEMBRANCE") has SACRIFICIAL OVERTONES. The Single Greek word Memorial means and or can be translated as MEMORIAL SACRIFICE/ Memorial OFFERING and occurs only EIGHT TIMES between the NT and the Greek OT. ALL BUT ONCE (Wisdom 16:6) it is IN A SACRIFICIAL CONTEXT (Hebrews 10:3, Leviticus 24:7, Numbers 10:10 and Psalm 38 [39] and 70 [70]). In these cases the term anamnesis/memorial is translated as "memorial portion," "memorial offering," or "memorial sacrifice."

Thus in the remaining two occurrences of memorial (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24), Christ’s words "Do this in remembrance of Me," can be translated as "Offer this memorial sacrifice."

Christ made his apostles priests at the last super when He Christ told his apostles in Luke 22:19 “Do this in Remembrance”/ ”offer this Memorial Sacrifice” since only priests can offer a memorial sacrifice. We are instructed by Jesus to devoutly attend and Pray the Holy Memorial Sacrifice of Calvary at Every Mass in union with the Heavenly Liturgy as seen Revelations.

Is it any wonder that Fr. Martin Cochem sites 77 Graces and Fruits to be Derived from Devout Attendance at Holy Mass

Can you see the most precious gift the Lord has given us through the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass???

production by Michael Jacques and Andrew Thompson

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