LIVE THRONE_ROOM WORSHIP: Preparation of Elijah Mantle

1 year ago

Families are God's idea. The enemy is after families. In worship, decrees, prayer and the Word...releasing the Spirit of Lord on the National Day of Prayer and Fasting and on our monthly meeting. May 2023

When the enemies attack is personal is causes us to press in with a greater intensity.

There are sophisticated demonic forces seeking to destroy the next generation. Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal being fed and sustained by Jezebel & Ahab. Jezebels hometown was part of the allotted Promised Land of Israel - which they never possessed or overthrew the enemy. Strong lessons for us.

Elijah was trained in Jezebels hometown and had to learn to be a father to a father less boy - and raise him from the dead.

Powerful call of the Spirit to us for our natural and spiritual children and grandchildren. Will we heed the call?

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