Beneath Sheep's Clothing- Discussing Julie Behlings' Upcoming Documentary.

1 year ago

This is my second time speaking with Julie Behling on Be Not Afraid. Last time we dug deep into the history of communism this round we spoke about the parallel effects we are seeing in America and throughout the west.

Author Julie Behling spent 2 years in Russia as a Missionary and completed her College thesis on Underground Churches during the communist revolution. She is currently working on a documentary based on her book, Beneath Sheep's Clothing: The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR and Parallels in Today's America-

Julie is raising funds through an evening both live and online with Dr. James Lindsay. If you are so inclined, please consider donating at:

You can also follow Julie at:

Julie urges us to stand for truth but not lose our compassion.

Please enjoy and share this important work. Remember to like comment subscribe and share, as it helps the algorithm.

This is a great interview to watch with young people.

Attribution.................................................................................Bensound: Inspire

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