Walk the Dark Street - 1956 Chuck Conners

1 year ago

1956 low-budget film noir directed by Wyott Ordung and starring Chuck Connors and Don Ross.

Dan (Don Ross) returns to L.A. after being discharged from the army, having fought in the Korean War. He meets with Frank (Chuck Connors) the brother of Tommy who was killed while under Dan's command. Tommy was chagrined at being passed over for promotion and had written to his brother to express his chagrin and to let it be known that if he died in combat, Dan would be the one to blame.

Frank, a professional big-game hunter, explains to Dan that because of his weak heart he can no longer do his thing and kill animals with high-powered weapons, but he offers to take him “hunting” in downtown L.A. with both men armed with camera guns. Unbeknownst to Dan, Frank replaces his camera round with a live bullet and plans to kill him in revenge for his brother's death.

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