Uncovering the Shocking Truth Behind Jewish Feasts and Jesus

1 year ago

In this video, we delve into the profound connections between the Jewish Feasts of the Old Testament and the life and works of Jesus Christ. Discover how these ancient ceremonies celebrated by the Israelites were not only a manifestation of their gratitude to God, but they also foreshadowed the life of Jesus, serving as profound metaphors for His life journey. Each of the seven feasts, in its unique way, points to the Messiah, unveiling the incredible tapestry of faith that weaves through history. Watch and be moved by the fascinating links between these time-honored traditions and the fulfillment of their prophecies in Jesus. Join us in giving thanks for these revelations and the enduring promises they hold for all believers.

Watch the full sermon here: https://youtu.be/PQTEHJ4PBh0

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