Insomniac Snews on a ship of fools cruise.

1 year ago

Another look at the absolute joke of a reality from our prospective but today, not my usual professional, trained and scripted work. CrappoCrappo productions has had to cut back and as a result, 'Ole Mable' has had to be retired, bless her.
Best copier I ever found in a skip. "
My tribute: She was rough and dirty but could always produce the goods if you knew which button t'press..ken what I mean?"
Anyroad, I'm knackered but therapy cannot wait but I'll crack one off later and post it...that sounds wrong!? Seriously though, I want to reach-out to all who are stuck in truth limbo, those who are disillusioned by the truthers and influencers.
I want to heal, you want to heal..SO LET'S F***ING GET OUR ARSES IN GEAR AND BEGIN, TOGETHER.
The only one standing in your way is...exactly, so start as new, become you and If I can help in any way, "that'll do".

Take it easy people, believe none but the true you and work to destroy all the evil that has prevailed for far too long and poisoned innocent souls into becoming closer to itself that thy self.

It's a feckin minefield oot there folks.

Much L❤ve


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