Article Video - The Empire Fraud - Saturday, June 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Empire Fraud - Saturday, June 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Empire is defined as a political unit made up of several territories under one leadership, typically with a central power in a definite location ruling over various periphery territories or nations.

Colonialism is the practice of dominating other countries for purposes of unjust enrichment through extraction of resources.

The world woke up in the 1940's and decided that colonialism was parasitic and unfair, and the maintenance of colonies by foreign, mostly European powers, was politically and socially discredited. Not to be deprived of its ill-gotten income from its foreign colonies, Britain made a big show of ending the commonwealth system it used to maintain control of its former colonies, and at the same time, introduced a territorial regime based on Municipal Corporations acting as governments under contract.

This form of empire which we call "Corporate Feudalism" proved to be distinctly worse than the Commonwealth system it replaced. It follows the same pattern established by Cecil Rhodes and the British South Africa Company--- a British Crown Corporation is hired to act as a Territorial Government and supplied with mercenaries and attorneys sufficient to bully and buy out any duly elected popular government.

The victims are then assumed to be voluntarily accepting this Raj-like quasi-military foreign corporation occupying their territory, and the corporation gains control of the country's legislative and police and economic functions.

They use corporations with names similar to the government they are replacing, so that the people hardly notice that they are now under occupation by a foreign power and being "administered" by a foreign, for-profit corporation.

Please observe the semantic fraud involved in replacing the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America with a British Territorial Municipal Corporation doing business as The United States of
America, Incorporated, or replacing the lawful government of Terra Australis with Australia, Incorporated.

They typically try to justify this aggression by alleging that there is some kind of emergency that requires them to step in and act as custodians until such time as the emergency is resolved, or claim that the government of the targeted country is absent, non-existent, or otherwise impaired so that the population is endangered.

We've seen what happened in America in the wake of the Civil War which was created and promoted by an Undeclared British Agent, Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney. The overtaking of much of the Commonwealth occurred in a similar pattern.

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