Israel - Palestine - USA. Political Zionism and What the Fake News Will Never Tell You. Alison Weir

1 year ago

Israel - Palestine - USA. Political Zionism and What the Fake News Will Never Tell You. Alison Weir
A Presentation by Author Alison Weir
Berkeley Fellowship, February 16, 2017
Israel in the Mind of America
Unbelievable. The very first Jewish Supreme Court Justice was the Leader of the World Zionism Movement. He Betrayed the Ethical Standards of Conduct and Secretly Operated from within the Supreme Court for the Zionist Cause.
Louis Brandeis Head of World Zionism
Louis Brandeis, First Jewish Supreme Court Justice
In 1913, Brandeis agreed to chair a Zionist meeting in Boston, and a year later he was unanimously elected to be the head of the Provisional Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs. From 1914-1918 Brandeis was effectively the head of American Zionism. Brandeis was an adviser to President Woodrow Wilson on policy, and influenced Wilsons's New ...
Brandeis became actively involved in Zionist causes through his friendship with Jacob de Haas, editor of a Boston Jewish weekly and a follower of Theodor Herzl. In 1913, Brandeis agreed to chair a Zionist meeting in Boston, and a year later he was unanimously elected to be the head of the Provisional Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs. From 1914-1918 Brandeis was effectively the head of American Zionism.
Brandeis was an adviser to President Woodrow Wilson on policy, and influenced Wilsons’s New Freedom economic doctrine.
Supreme Court Justice
In 1916 President Wilson appointed Brandeis to the Supreme Court, where he was confirmed despite a lengthy (125 days long) Senate confirmation process marked by anti-Semitic rhetoric as well as significant opposition from big-business lobbyists. He was the first nominee whose confirmation involved public hearings. He sat on the bench for 23 years, until his retirement in 1939. While on the court his votes and opinions envisioned the greater protections for individual rights and greater flexibility for government in economic regulation.
(My Jewish Learning is obviously biased. The Great Concern over Brandeis Appointment to the Supreme Court was well deserved. Anyone who does not hold Loyalty to America first should NEVER hold a Position of High Power within our Government. But such betrayals have reached staggering Hights in our modern day. Such a huge proportion of those in Congress and Senate Hold Dual Citizenship. This is Political Blasphemy, and a Betrayal of America.
For anyone with eyes to see, it is clear where this has led us to. It is an Utter State of Infiltration and Betrayal From Within.)
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