Ep 47 N8 24th May 23 - The Shackles on the Crown Revealed

1 year ago

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Shackles on The Crown Revealed

Wow this was an awesome zoom!

Liz explains Orders in Council, lack there of for C19 legislation and Governor General input

Imperials Laws Application and Legislation Act

Liz goes to Federated Farmers meeting in Ohinewai about the Waimarino wetlands. A big turnout.
Fed farmers lectured farmers on how they need to raise a pile of money to fight councils etc (definition of insanity - doing the same thing and expecting a different result) - Destocking farms - Destroy this country - M arc ist a g3nder.
Liz points out to the Ohinewai farmer group that they could and should use allodial to overcome the expensive and unlawful fees, regulations imposed on farmers.
The State is saying they own your land. Maori Land Act - Maori don't pay rates. Land cannot be taken for debt but they can still take out mortgages.
Farmers own their land legally.
Federated Farmer lawyers, present at the meeting are complicit in the BS imposed on farmers and make 100 of thousands of dollars from it. Basically threatening them if they dont comply.
Farmers need to wake up - You dont get less compliance from more compliance.

Pedo agenda in schools. We discuss what is happening

Actions against fluoride in water and 5g - Robyn gives us an update with her work and others.

An awesome discussion on a wide range of subjects - A must listen that is for sure

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