18. 2020 09 17 19 21 18 Crown whats in a name Pt3

1 year ago

If the police asked for your name and you didn't have one. ...........
For those who know, no name, maintains freedom.
For those who know no name, maintain freedom.
No name, maintains freedom, for those who know.
No name maintains freedom for those who don't know.
Papers Past
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name,
It felt good to be out of the rain.
In the desert you can remember your name,
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain.
Doesn't make sense to you?
WATCH THE VIDEO!!! ///// Treaty of Waitangi - What Really Happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFSRodFrNZo&t=1109s //// Treaty of Waitangi although deceptive to its core will affect on British-subject-silvery way everyone who is worldwide erroneously / fictitiously / on identity impersonation way using Birth Certificate name as own truth name/ own truth identity instead to be aware that it is reserved for the deceased placenta(medically known as our twin or phantom fetus and legally as land in which we are born in our mothers womb, name of the highly insured Birth Certificate unit trust etc etc it has numerous debt based commercial meanings but never is our name . We are registered on Birth Registration form filled up by midwife or maternity doctor as no name Crown or Living Crown (Revelation: 3:11) = (Bible's incarnated living soul Genesis 2:7) . //// movie: Treaty of Waitangi - What Really Happened

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