10-40 Window Nation Trip - Istanbul, Turkey at Hagia Sophia Church

1 year ago

Hagia Sophia Church was built in around 350 ad.
One of the oldest churches in the world. Located in Istanbul, Turkey formally known at Constantinople which used to be the center of the early christian churches.
Hagia Sophia has now been converted into a Mosque.
And Christianity is almost non existent in modern Turkey.
The nation is 99.8% non Christian.

So why did i just show you a church built in 300 ad?
Well the truth is that American Christianity can be a very shallow form of Christianity
And we often think the Christian world revolves revolves around America
Yet a majority of the bible took place in the middle east
The end times revolves around the nations in the middle east
Particularly the one tiny nation of Israel
And the bible doesn't seem to mention the west at all in regard to the end times

But the center of the ancient church was in Turkey
Now Istanbul former known and Constantinople
This was the epicenter of the early Christian church
The churches in Revelation are in Turkey
Paul planted a church in Ephesus which is in Turkey
And wrote the book of Ephesians to them

And now the nation of Turkey is 99.8% non Christian
A had a deep sense of sadness about this
I feel like the church dropped the ball

When Jesus talks about the End Times in Matthew 24
He ended one passage by saying in Verse 14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Yet if this nation is 99.8% non Christian it seems like we have work to do
This is one of the largest countries in the world
Which only has about 20,000 Protestant Christians

I have been studying the End Times for 20 years
And i believe we still have time left
Simply because in the 10-40 Window
Which is a term created by missionaries
That shows a whole window of the globe that is unreached for Christ
About 2 billion have never heard the gospel preached
These nations include: Turkey, China, India, Japan, Egypt, South Korea, Syria, Ethiopia

My best friend lives currently in Taiwan
Only 14% of the 24 million people are Christians

I see we still have much work to do
But we have to get past our self centered mindset
Until we start reaching the 10/40 window
I don't see Christ returning

Matthew 28:18-20

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Check out this video on 10-40 window

#hagiasophiagrandmosque #thegospel #missions


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