What famous person did horrible things that people largely forgot about? #celebrity #celebritynews

1 year ago

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What famous person did horrible things that people largely forgot about?
Remember when a 16yo girl overdosed in Don Henley's house, he pled guilty to ~~minor~~ misdemeanor charges and then wrote a song about how mean the media was to him?Because I feel like almost no one does.
Boy George abducted & tortured a man in 2007.
Soulja Boy beat a pregnant woman into having a miscarriage
Floy Mayweather beat the shit out of his former girlfriend, and got away with it because the judge allowed him to train for a fight he was headlining.
Jack Nicholson beat a prostitute that he hired to the point of irreversible brain damage.
Cheryl Cole beat the living daylights out of a toilet attendant
Jared Leto. Bro really raped and sexually assaulted underaged girls and so much people act like he’s done nothing wrong. Not even any deal or movie drops. He’s still consistently hired all around and it’s the dumbest shit in the world.
"Vince Neil only got 30 days and he killed somebody!"
Philip Berk, film industry executive, journalist, and film critic. Sexually assaulted Brendan Fraser and his defense was “it was in jest not sexual intent” which then he got off for it. Had any of us used that defense - we would’ve been buried under the jail
John Travolta sexually assaulted several young men, and has seemingly faced no repercussions from this.
at this point, asking which famous person didn't do horrible things is probably a shorter list
The Marcos family in the Philippines. They're back in power after cleverly gaming the May 2022 presidential elections. They systemically looted the country for two decades and initiated a policy of exporting Filipinos to other countries as slaves.The Philippines never recovered.
Travis Scott essentially leaving his manager for dead in the studio. His loyal ex manager who suffered from seizures, had one while travis was with him. Travis abandoned him while it was happening and went home then texted him firing him a day later saying “i can’t have a manager who’s shaking on the ground n shit”. The lack of empathy continued with astro world
Travis Scott and his Astroworld event that killed multiple people while he told everyone to put their middle fingers up to the ambulance that was trying to save the dying people.
The lobotomy of Rosemary Kennedy, I know it’s not really a single celebrity but I don’t ever see it talked about/outrage
didn't Caitlyn Jenner hit and kill someone with her car?
Charlie Chaplin had multiple affairs with teenage girls and was accused of sexually abusing them.
CoCo Chanel
Tom cruise. Scientologist. Apparently Once his teenage niece kissed a boy at a party at the family house. He expelled her from the family for two years and forced her to live with Scientologist friends of his. She had a write a huge essay for him detailing all she had done to atone for her sins. I watched an ex Scientology guy talk about it on the YouTube's
Ted Kennedy. Left a young woman to drown in his car. No consequences
Jared Leto needs to be exposed. He's a cult leader and a pedo. How is he still working?
I read some comments and to my surprise didn't see Alfred Hitchcock, who repeatedly abused actresses he worked with.
Tom Cruise helped the Church of Scientology when they caused the wrongful death of one of their members, Lisa McPherson. Cruise was used to "woo" politicians in Florida just as the church was being indicted for the abuse committed against Lisa, and later the charges were dropped.
Not sure if anyone's mentioned it on the thread yet, but there's a podcast called Behind the Bastards that's this exact premise - talking about famous people who are actually giant pieces of garbage. They back everything up with research and span all sorts of dictators, grifters, fake doctors, etc.
Caitlyn Jenner killed a woman... and then won woman of the year... the same year. Still cracks me up
Paul Walker has entered the chat… so has his SIGNIFICANTLY younger girlfriend. He was 33 and she was 15 if I recall… Feel free to look it up.
The kennedy family sent their sister Rose off to live in a mental hospital in Wisconsin after she was lobotomized and it basically made her regress to about the temperament of a preteen girl. They didn't ever visit her either.
Steve Sociopath Jobs. He berated his daughter for being born to his mistress, refused to install heating in her bedroom, reiterated she isn’t getting a penny of his $400m fortune then told her she smelled like a toilet on his deathbed.I hope she’s an AVID Samsung consumer.

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