The WHO and a one world government

1 year ago

PLEASE watch this video. And share it with everybody.

This is the setup for the one world government and the digital control happening right now this week in Switzerland. All are controlled by Klaus Schaub and the WHO (World Health Organization) WHO is totally controlled by the CCP and Klaus Schaub. They don't care about your health it is a front for a one-world government controlled by Klaus and his elites. And Bozo the clown aka Biden is all in on it.

For my lost friends I know you think we Christians are all crazy saying Jesus is coming back and the world is going to end but it is true and this is how it starts.

For my brothers and sisters in Christ that have their heads in the sand wake up and see the Bible come to life right before our eyes. Watch this video and really listen to what is being said. It is so important that we warn the lost about what is happening and what it means for them.

Thank you Steve Bannon for covering this. The video has 4 parts 2 parts from Noor Bin Laden and 2 parts from Michele Bachmann

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