Destruction. But GOD! (Isaiah 24:1-16a)

1 year ago

The rest of 16 goes: "But my heart is heavy with grief. Weep for me, for I wither away. Deceit still prevails, and treachery is everywhere." Been a minute since I typed the verse out here. And yeah, when we are in the middle of it, it's hard, and Lamentations, like this verse is a reminder that it's not about being "happy" it's about choosing GOD instead. Happy 24/7 isn't possible without heavy medication. Joyful in every season, that's doable. And isn't not because the moment brings joy, it's because we know Genesis 50:20, and Jeremiah 29:11, and Habakkuk 3:17-19, and so so many more. Those gifted memory verses that HE gives us to hold as HE sees us through the storms, learned on the valley or the mountain, are what leads to consistent praise. So as Paul said, with lot or with little, still we can rejoice, see Philippians. The "trick" is consistent praise, because HE IS worthy of praise, even if the moment we are in is absolute horsesh*t. The moment isn't our god. YHWH IS! And IF HE is our God then we can also remember this: "Though I pass through the valley of shadows and death, I shall fear none of it, for YOU are with me." Psalm 23, 8, 139, 22, 34. Each filled with promises, each filled with choices, each a chance to trust that YHWH is true to HIMSELF. It was HIS offer though was it not? Taste and see. Take rich HIS daily bread, taste the richness of HIS WORD and see. Living Bread, Living Water, New Life. All by being washed clean in The Blood of JESUS.

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