Mastering Hybrid Leadership: Navigating the Changing Nature of Work - Matthew Brackett

1 year ago

[00:00:00] Sales POP welcomes our guest Matthew Brackett

Hybrid Leadership [00:00:23] Discussion on the challenges of building a culture in a hybrid workplace, the importance of agility and presence in leadership, and the need for intentional and effective communication in a diverse workforce.

Identity and Purpose [00:02:05] Importance of identifying the purpose and mission of the organization in a hybrid workplace, and the need to rebuild a robust corporate or organizational culture around the vision of the hybrid model.

Agility and Presence [00:06:00] The importance of mental, cognitive, and emotional agility in leadership, and the need for leaders to be more present in a hybrid workplace. Also, the need for intentional and effective communication to create connections among people in a diverse workforce.

Challenges of leading across cultures and generations [00:10:03] The speakers discuss the challenges of building a culture in a hybrid workplace and leading across cultures and generations.

Leadership principles for a diverse workforce [00:11:30] The speakers discuss the importance of self-awareness, intentionality, presence, communication, and accountability in leadership, especially in a diverse workforce.

Balancing flexibility and accountability in a hybrid model [00:16:52] The speakers discuss the importance of creating a sense of belonging, empowerment, engagement, and communication in a hybrid model, as well as balancing flexibility and accountability.

Balancing expectations and clarity [00:19:22] The speakers discuss the changing attitudes towards entitlement and expectations in the workplace and the need for clarity and communication to find a balance.

Opportunities for non-traditional leaders [00:20:08] The changing nature of leadership may provide opportunities for people who wouldn't have been considered traditional leaders before due to the wider skillset required.

Shifting the traditional model of career paths [00:21:18] The speakers discuss the need to find other ways to promote and compensate employees based on their expertise and experience, rather than solely on their ability to manage people.
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