Gina Belafonte Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour

1 year ago

Are you here? If you’re here, it’s pretty important that you realize and completely understand that you’re listening to The Paul Leslie Hour. We all on the same page here?

We’ve got an interview from the archives with Gina Belafonte. This is a short interview, but we like to think it makes a big impact.

Gina Belafonte is the producer of the documentary film SING YOUR SONG, which was directed by Susanne Rostock.  The film tells the untold story of singer, actor and activist Harry Belafonte (that’s Gina’s father).  In the short chat you’re about to hear, Gina Belafonte tells us about the making of the film and what inspired it.

Gina Belafonte was born and raised in New York City. Her background is in entertainment and activism, something she has in common with her father Harry Belafonte. Did you know he was just inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and at 95 years of age no less?

Harry Belafonte is known around the world for popularizing songs like Day-O, Jamaica Farewell, Jump in the Line, Matilda and many others as well as his acting and activism.

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And now, let’s hear this interview with Miss Gina Belafonte.

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