Back Pain Treatments Failed You? Here Is Why!

1 year ago

There are good and bad treatments but the one thing that people frequently miss completely is the impermanence of a treatment. Back pain or sciatica is a you problem. If you do not keep your body in good condition, and do not take steps outside of the treatment room to work on supporting your body effectively, treatment effects for back pain will be limited in duration.

Yes, even the best treatments in the world.

There are 168 hours every week, and if you think you can get away with a 5 minute to 60 minute treatment outweighing 167+ hours of not taking care of your body you will not get better for any length of time.

That's the bad news, the good news is, there are a HUGE number of things that you can do at home MOST OF THEM ARE FREE or minimal cost that will improve your health and mean that if you are to spend time and money on treatments or programs, you give yourself the best possible chance to be an OVER-RESPONDER instead of an UNDER-RESPONDER.

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