When You Feel Like Nothing Is Working - Watch This!

1 year ago

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When we're on our journey to better mental health or any improvement to our lives there will be a point where we hit a wall or feel like we are seeing no progress. Nothing seems to work.

Or so we think. The truth is we often fail to notice all the progress we make and the 1 percents can often feel unperceivable.

It can lead to burnout, anger and even to you giving up on those positive things you are doing.

When this happens. Stop. Relax. Remember everything takes time.

Meditate on this mindset. Take a break if you need to.

You will know when you need this.

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Website and e-Book: www.101waystobeatdepression.com

Amazon paperback/hardback: https://www.amazon.com/101-Ways-Beat-Depression-Techniques/dp/B09YQQ8WNR

Etsy e-Book: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1442928195/101-ways-to-beat-depression-depression

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