Motha Night

1 year ago

Banned from Russia, Late Night Personality Enterprise Go to Cone of Silence to Protect Fellow Racketeer Kimmel from Supreme Court

[FOB FREEDOM, May 21, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, . . .

Under Supreme Court Rule 11, a case pending at a U.S. circuit court of appeals will be considered for a prejudgment decision only if it is a case of such imperative importance that a deviation from normal appellate practice is justified, and that’s the pinpoint target acquisition mission for which one former combat fire support officer will have to calculate a target solution to sink one down the throat, now at periscope depth, at the Fourth Circuit, after filing his application for prejudgment against late-night talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, and an amalgamation of assorted television broadcast network companies, once he seeking to acquire and hit, to sink one down the throat, once we enters “the Death Star.”“We've had a lot of RICO matters addressed by the Supreme Court, but there are still some issues that remain to be refined, like whether Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(a) is triggered when a civil RICO case is considered or decided, and whether a conviction on what amounts to felony charges is required before a civil RICO action is commenced to satisfy the burden of proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, for conviction of a crime, which are the basic elements you must satisfy to even begin a racketeering case, which also makes the civil RICO difficult because we are basically saying a prosecutor decided not to prosecute”, explained Major Mike Webb, a former childhood protege to a mob attorney, and former legal specialist for the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, where he had literally had the opportunity to “prosecute the battle”.

A native of the Cook County of the Northeast, where federal law enforcement agencies had conducted Operation Big Rig for decades against corrupt politicians, Webb enjoys the experience of having been the childhood protege of Raymond Brown, who had defended Camden Mayor and New Jersey State Senator Angelo Errichetti, after he had been charged during ABSCAM, and the former army top spy enjoyed the opportunity on active duty to chase everything from domestic terrorists, after the Oklahoma City bombing, to the nation’s most notorious spies, during the era of the Walker Family Spy Ring, Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen.”First, I’d like to thank the networks for colluding to keep Kimmel’s racketeering allegations from public view, which only helps our case. We have the conspiracy essentially to Vince Foster a whistleblower recently acknowledged by the federal court in DC, under the Snopes theory regarding vulnerability to suicide for persons afflicted with serious mental health disorders, a condition recently acknowledged by the Fourth Circuit to inevitably lead to adverse outcomes, and, of course, since 2016, we have the Carter v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts incitement to suicide argument, all of which shall certainly aid law enforcement in convictions against cyber bullies, stalkers and others. As you know, approximately 83% of femicides begin with anonymous trolls and stalkers in crimes in which most times the assailants are someone that the victim actually knew, but they use these anonymous pseudonyms to attempt to avoid liability in acts of aggression and assertion of power that inevitably tend to escalate into deadly violence,” explained Webb, a veteran litigator on similar issues.“Not surprisingly, these litigation events had resulted in a strategy by the defendants and the defendant gatekeeper court to say anything and everything except the word ‘murder’, keeping as much social distance away from the crime as possible on record, which raises a reasonable inference of suspicion in and of itself. It's a logical defense in which you neither confirm nor deny. But we have this compounded by the unrepresented litigant problem, even raised by former federal judge and University of Chicago Law School professor Richard Posner, and this is what affects an entire class of litigants, over 73% in the federal courts being those persons in prison, preparing things like habeas corpus petitions, a difficult and convoluted process, etc.,” explained Webb, who has been described by the President as passionate, while even his opponent in Virginia’s Third House District, Alfonso Lopez, has expressed his admiration and appreciation for Webb’s commitment to civil rights. Even Don Beyer, Jr. had, in 2018, publicly acknowledged Webb’s efforts during the investigation into the death of Bijan Ghaisar after a fatal car chase involving officers from the National Park Service Police.Judge M. Hannah Lauck, the presiding judge, had decided to double down on placing the general profile template, like a stigma, or stereotype, of an unrepresented litigant on Webb, not even examining his particular case, and described as an unrepresented litigant, for anyone reading her opinion it takes on plausible deniability that anything other than what the judge said was accurate, finding my 21-page complaint described as a 90-page prolix complaint. Judge Lauck, an Obama appointee who had been jointly nominated by Virginia Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner to fill a vacancy on the Fourth Circuit in May 2021, had also inadvertently helped Webb’s case by getting emotional, and actually writing in the order that she would not parse through that 90-page complaint to try to understand it and find any potentially justiciable claim, in rejection of Gordon v. Leeke, the solicitous respect for pro se litigants rule in the Fourth Circuit, which relies on the same general rule announced by SCOTUS, in Conley v. Gibson, a precedent that tools back civil rights for unrepresented litigants.

A complaint under Rule 8 cannot be a formulaic recitation of elements and conclusory statements, which Judge Lauck claimed she saw in the 90-page prolix complaint.  But in dismissal she resorts to conclusory statements with no specific findings of facts, in part because she cannot say "murder", or any other felonies about which she might have to convene a grand jury under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(a). And, again, getting excitable and a little emotional, she throws the hammer at Webb, citing authority under Rule 8, for trying to prosecute state and federal crimes, exactly what you are alleging occurred in a RICO case. And in dismissing the case without prejudice, under the pretext that she is respecting Webb’s rights, practically conceding that the complaint was not frivolous, she threatened to sanction Webb if he filed anymore frivolous motions, but not saying "complaints", almost admitting the complaint was not frivolous, because if it was, the whole matter would have been dismissed with prejudice.Additionally, Judge Lauck had dismissed the affidavit required under Federal Rule of Procedure 55 to obtain the mandatory default judgment as "frivolous". The affidavit is required if the court fails to act, and basically, Judge Lauck had said she didn't grant the default judgment because she didn't want to. And, fortunately for Webb, this Kimmel racketeering case will arrive at the Supreme Court at the same time that he currently has docketed for certiorari the Falls Church/Alexandria ultra vires Pride Month proclamation, and the DIA FOIA, regarding identifying the senior DoD official who offered a job to a former biological warfare planner before a pandemic, in which the DC federal court identified him expressly as a whistleblower. And the three cases will probably be joined together, if it goes forward for decision.

Going forward the Webb legal effort will be refining the imperative issue required: if Kimmel, a pro vac advocate since 2015, coincidentally embracing the general vaccine cause at the same time Ralph Baric was getting a patent on methods to develop spike proteins for SARS-like coronaviruses was interested in him, especially after being one of three people identified by DIA to work on procurement analysis before the pandemic, our novel coronavirus probably originated in a laboratory.

In a civil racketeering case, described in SDNY as a thermonuclear device, the burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt for the predicate offenses, not clear and convincing evidence or preponderance of evidence.  And, most civil racketeering cases fail in part because they don't recognize the advantage of a criminal case burden of proof, where you have become the prosecutor, and you need only destroy any doubts your defendant is guilty, while seeking to avoid self incrimination the defendant's hands are tied and he will say as little as he can attempting to avoid liability. Moreover, under U.S. v. Elliott, once a conspiracy is established, you require only slight evidence to charge additional conspirators.

“Kimmel, ABC, and Sinclair are sending WUSA9, a CBS affiliate forward as a zealous probe, who are trying to sever themselves from the action, and are in fact only digging their own graves. I would have told WUSA9 to stand down. Instead we feel a military presence.  And they retained ‘LOCO counsel’. Bad ‘judgement’,” remarked Webb. 

Elaborating on the theme, Webb had noted that Parnell "Stacks" Edwards, who doesn't take the van to Jersey to be destroyed with the evidence after the Lufthansa Heist and parks it outside his girlfriend's house. “There's a reason we call it a getaway car, but for some reason some kids believe it means go on a getaway vacation after the heist. Let's just say we didn't have to call Sherlock Holmes or the Intelligence Community to solve that mystery,” replied Webb, with his best wise guy voice.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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