Jesus had a mission (The lost sheep Matthew 18:11-14, Luke 15:1-7)

1 year ago

Jesus had a mission (The lost sheep Matthew 18:11-14, Luke 15:1-7)
Goal oriented people are driven and motivated to fulfill and complete their purpose. They cannot leave things undone and it absolutely eats at them to know that they still haven’t accomplished what they have set out to accomplish. Everything they do and everything every spare minute of their time is spent planning, working on, and figuring out what needs to be done to make their goal a reality. The parable of the lost sheep begins with Jesus laying out His mission statement and purpose for being on this earth, “to save that which was lost.” After making this statement Jesus goes on to explain His goal in terms that everyone would understand by speaking of a shepherd who has one hundred sheep. He explains that if one of the one hundred wanders off that the shepherd will lovingly leave the ninety-nine to seek and search for the one missing. Once he locates the missing sheep it says that he will rejoice over that one more than the ninety-nine that stayed in the herd. Jesus was wanting to let everyone know that this is how God the Father felt about all His Children, He wants none to wander away from Him and for all to remain in fellowship with Him.
Jesus was goal oriented, and His goal was to come and seek those who had strayed away from God, the lost sheep of Israel. He had a purpose and He stuck to His purpose, He had a plan and He stuck to His plan, and He was unwilling to allow anything to stop Him from meeting His goal. The accomplishment of this goal not only opened the door for the lost sheep of Israel to be brought back into the fold but also made a way for everyone and anyone who was willing to accept His sacrifice to come in. 2 Peter 3 tells us that God wills that none should perish but that all come to repentance, and for us to be able to come back to God, Jesus had to fulfill His goal. Jesus had to die for our sins and pay our debt or there would be no hope of us being restored to God. He stepped down from His heavenly throne knowing that He would born into this world to suffer and die for sins that He did not commit. It was not the nails that held Him to the cross, it was His love for the lost sheep that held Hm to that Cross. He never wavered from His goal and every step he took on this earth was a step closer to fulfilling His purpose of giving us hope to escape the judgment to come.

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