God never wants to lose one (The lost sheep Matthew 18:11-14, Luke 15:1-7)

1 year ago

God never wants to lose one (The lost sheep Matthew 18:11-14, Luke 15:1-7)
I remember once we went on a fishing trip to a lock and dam in our part of the state that was famous for some big fish being caught. On this day we did not catch the monster fish that we were looking for but a gentleman that we did not know hooked into big fish. There was a bunch of individuals fishing on this day and everyone stopped what they were doing to watch this guy battle this fish and the fight when on for what seemed like an hour. The fish would surface, and everyone would see how large it was, but the angler could not get the fish landed due to the strong current and the size of the fish. Everyone there was devastated when the fish final got off the hook and the fisherman reeled in an empty line. We felt his pain but none of us could imagine how he felt after investing so much time and effort into the fish of a lifetime just to reel in an empty line. We get excited over our hobbies and at times they can break our heart but this pales in comparison to a loving God that watches one of His children stray and never return. Matthew 18:14 says that God does not want anyone to slip away from His Kingdom and that that His desire is for everyone to be a part of eternal plan.
We cannot understand the kind of love that God has for His creation because our love is conditional love. We draw the line on love when the conditions that we set in our minds our not met by those that we claim to love. God’s love for us is unconditional, Romans 5:8 says that He demonstrates this love for us by sending His Son Jesus to die for the sins of those who was living in rebellion to His standards. We were enemies with God and He still made the ultimate sacrifice so that the lost sheep could come home. We get upset and break ties with people because they hurt our feelings over petty issues, but God says regardless of what you have done, I love you and I want a relationship with you. God wills that none should perish but that all should come to repentance. We see someone loose a big fish and we mourn for them; this is how piety we are. We are consumed with issues that mean nothing in the eternal scheme of things and God is consumed with trying to seek and save those that are lost. We need to recalibrate our hearts to be more like the Heart of God.

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