Joseph Spencer Interview Man In Black Govt Assassin, Aliens, Depopulation

1 year ago

Excerpts from the testimony of Joseph Spencer, who was a US civil servant from May 1970 to October 1997 as a “secret operative” in an organization called Men in Black.

Spencer worked under senior black ops program director William T. Latham, who had worked under senior CIA Executive Director, Richard Schlesinger. Latham hired Spencer because he was a foster child with no family ties, friends or social life. It was easy for them to erase his past and provide him with a new identity. Spencer says he gave himself to them as a priest would to his God. They required that his mind be erased and they injected him with various drugs such as LSD. The goal was to program Spencer to 'kill and forget'. After 9 months Spencer became a Man in Black.

Spencer says that not every man in black is a human, one third of them are alien hybrids. A distinctive feature was the lack of white in their eyes. Their eyes are just black.

Spencer's assignments largely dealt with reported UFO crashes and sightings. 1971 was his first reported crash assignment. Spencer witnessed 3 grey humanoids in the craft, two dead and one alive.

Spencer believes these are real aliens from space, but I think he's wrong, that they are aliens from earth, perhaps from Antarctica, living underground, and that they are demons, fallen angels, nephilim, something along those lines. Space is fake. We live in a closed system under the firmament.
In 2024, an “Alien Invasion” will take place on Earth, but in fact, the inhabitants of the Earth will see in the sky not an armada of real ships, but a very advanced hologram that looks like a real object and can even be touched. This lines up with Werner Von Braun's last card prediction as well.
The absolute reality of what is happening will be created, but not aliens and not holograms will bomb the cities, but earthlings under the cover of these holograms.
“The world will witness a massive invasion of aliens, thousands of holographic alien warships will cover the sky, immerse people in global panic and real military aircraft between the holograms will deliver a real blow.”
As a result, a single world government will be created and none of the people will be against it. It will lead the surviving people in this new world of total control.
Spencer's tasks were mainly related to witnesses of UFO encounters and crashes. His task was to eliminate witnesses and eyewitnesses, regardless of gender or age.
Spencer worked on the liquidation of researchers and ufologists who came too close to a forbidden topic.
In 1954, US President Dwight David Eisenhower signed the so-called “contract of the Grenadines” with the extraterrestrial race of the “Greys” in exchange for receiving extraterrestrial technology.
The “Greys” according to the contract, can kidnap a certain number of people for research, they have also insisted so that the public does not know about these contacts and contracts.
Soon after, human technology made a huge leap.
On Earth there are 1477 underground bases on which they conduct experiments on humans.
In 1994, a secret summit was held, in which 160 countries took part and everyone agreed that the human population is getting out of control, because natural resources are depleted and the population should be reduced to 800 million by 2030.
The near future under the testimony of Joseph Spencer, from "Men in Black" 3

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