No Man's Sky | Delayed CONFIRMATION Attempt by Me, Release Date Changed or Delayed? | FAQ Gameplay

1 year ago

210816 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. Ok folks, so by now everyone has heard about the No Man's Sky article from Kotaku stating that the game has been delayed as per two sources. Now, I've seen some videos about this, and obviously I've read the articles which are now spreading like wildfire across various gaming websites, all referencing Kotaku. But then I dug a bit further and found a post by who APPEARS and claims to be the writer of the original Kotaku article. Before reading that post, I had done what many others had done and called many Gamestops, all of which had no idea of any kind of change, constantly checking their computer systems and telling me they were stating the June 21st date as the release. Awesome right?

After I read the post, I tried doing exactly what Jason Schreier mentions. I got a manager (whom was incredibly helpful and kind), had him get the managers marketing kit, had him turn to page 30, and had him read to me what it said in the kit. To my shock, he read to me (over the phone) word for word the exact wording that was found in the imagine being passed around the internet, stating that the release date has "changed". He then informed me, as it instructed him in the marketing kit, that he was informing me the release date had changed.

Now it says "changed", but does that mean the same as delayed? Is the manager I spoke with, the article, the article writer, and the picture poster on reddit all wrong or mistaken? Folks, we won't know for absolute certain until Hello Games or someone directly affiliated with them says so, but I at least wanted to bring you guys my results, take them however you wish.

Let me mention that even if the game is delayed, I'll STILL be waiting patiently for it. I STILL want to enjoy it, make videos of it, and be able to share all of the cool adventures and sights, and see and hear all of your guys adventures and sights as well!

With that in mind, as we have no answer from Hello Games yet, my question to YOU for this video is, do you want to make a prediction as to whether or not No Man's Sky is delayed or the date is changed? If that's a bit too controversial to answer, then let me ask, if a game you loved had its release date delayed, how would you feel? Would you be ok with it, wanting the Developer to give you the best, most bug free experience? Would you feel cheated? Would you feel disappointed? Feel free to let me know in the comments section below and as always stay foxy and much love!

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A TRULY OPEN UNIVERSE If you can see it, you can go there. You can fly seamlessly from the surface of a planet to another, and every star in the sky is a sun that you can visit.

EXPLORATION IS SEEING THINGS THAT NO-ONE ELSE HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE Every creature, geological formation, plant and spaceship is unique.

SURVIVE ON A DANGEROUS FRONTIER You are alone and vulnerable, and will face threat everywhere, from deep space to thick forests, barren deserts to dark oceans.

BUILD FOR AN EPIC JOURNEY Collect precious materials and trade them for better spacecraft and upgrades for your suit and equipment and prepare for your journey to the centre of the galaxy.

A SHARED UNIVERSE Choose to share with other players your discoveries on a map of the galaxy. Strike out for unexplored frontiers or build your strengths in known space.

65DAYSOFSTATIC SOUNDTRACK Our favourite band, 65daysofstatic, is producing a soundtrack album especially for No Man's Sky, which will be featured in the game as a procedurally generated soundscape.


Music by Teknoaxe:

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