The 48 Laws of Power [in 210 mins] Director's Cut

1 year ago

The 48 Laws of Power, a self-improvement book exploring history's lessons through the lens of might, summarized visually for your entertainment with the author's permission. Keep in mind not to take what's presented at face value. It is not to be taken literally, but with a grain of salt. The script follows a very "if, then" formula. Simply rejoice in some of the ridiculous stories from human nature.

There's a natural progression to the quality of the videos. While I have considered simply deleting older content (and hiding the fact that I am also imperfect) it shows the humble beginnings of this channel. The learning curve from the texts, voiceovers, editing to the visuals has been intermittent, but consistent. Creators grow with each piece of work. I cannot dislike my initial work as flawed as it is, because it's allowed me to improve and I've enjoyed the creative outlet for art's sake.

I have since recreated the 3h 30 mins series into a bare bones 30 minute animation with a higher skillset -- It's the thousands of hours put into this that got it 6 million views and counting. There is no shortcut. I may have put in the work, but it's a humbling experience to see viewers who appreciate and see value in one's ambitions.

It is my wish that you see these laws for what they are and comprehend the perspectives within with your own good judgement and in tact moral compass. If you take offense I am glad, because I fundamentally agree with you. People who abuse their power in society are abhorrent. Here you can see how they maneuver for the protection of your loved ones, to fortify your very soul against the devil's machinations. In this day and age.

Reminder that the laws are not rules. They're general principles. They're situational and not instructional. The laws are separate. They're not meant to be harmonious. This is still a summary filled with my own interpretations of the book to make you curious. It's not a substitute. I recommend reading it. This is not advocating bad behavior. This is a dojo teaching self-defense from the very people you condemn.

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