Medicinal Mushrooms for Constipation

1 year ago

www.MyMushroomHealth - What is constipation. Not being able to move your bowels and process the waste from your system. This can be occasional or chronic. Chronic constipation is infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools that persist for several weeks or longer. Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. Common Causes: Constipation is caused by many things. Eating foods low in fiber (low fruits/veggies). Not drinking enough water (dehydration). Not getting enough exercise (flushes). Changes in your regular routine, such as traveling or eating or going to bed at different times as a break in your routine. Prescription Medications. Ignoring when you need to go.
Variables: Alcohol is frequently mentioned as a potential cause of constipation, but for some people only. (Tequila is gut friendly) Gluten foods because Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and triticale. Too much milk, dairy and red meat products. Fried or fast foods. Processed foods.
Preventatives: Beans including garbanzo, lima, pinto or kidney beans. Kiwi fruit, pears, plums and apples. Flaxseeds, berries and dried fruit. Sweet potatoes. The all-powerful Broccoli (top food for health). Beta Glucans in mushrooms. Mushrooms containing Beta Glucans help to reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal region through the Vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a critical nerve for supplying parasympathetic information to the visceral organs of the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems. It is important in the control of heart rate, bronchoconstriction and digestive processes. What it Does: Mycelium is effective at decreasing inflammation due to its analgesic properties. It is also helpful to minimize bacteria growth as it is an effective antibacterial agent. Mycelium helps balance gut health. We’ve had many clients report significant benefits to gut issues with our mushroom complex high in Beta Glucans and polysaccharides. Further Benefits: Mycelium helps bladder dysfunction disorders and the inflammation that jams the Ileocecal valve. The ileocecal valve is a sphincter muscle situated at the junction of the ileum (last portion of your small intestine) and the colon (first portion of your large intestine). Its function is to allow digested food materials to pass from the small intestine into your large intestine.
Our Myfeelium 4 in 1 Gummies contain Turkey Tail, Reishi, Lions Mane and Cordyceps. There’s 250 mg of “activated” mycelium compounds in each gummy. Non activated is common but not the best for absorption. Our bottle contains 30 chews. We also have a 10 in 1 complex

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