that broken record that everyone subconsciously is

1 year ago

are you bored yet cos i am
how can you learn if you dunno it's a mistake
_____ would go outta biz if...
i wish i had better advice since nobody wants to take mine
you gotta work for what you want and you could play the victim til you die but it will accomplish nothing
you always have the option to take the high road, you know what i mean
do you know what you want and why you want it
the free masons took it, they never gave you shit
all too typical ag anti-american rant
everything i've been forced to witness and endure in this shit country
i could never be part of anything
the polemic is naturally gonna be blatant
why i talk about this aspect of my identity so much
this idea of who i wanna be/rather be
if trance! people had self-awareness...
the world never has good advice for any issue
teenie tiny boxes are so boring
it gets so dark inside that box
it's been too long since i've done this but then again maybe i should take breaks more often
it always feels redundant
what did we want to begin w/ we dunno
at least if it's entertaining that's sumin
paisley didn't die, arlo is in the clouds now
so many examples of God proving Himself thru creations in this world
arlo's way of thanking my friend kimberly

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