Do You Take The $140 An Hour or Tell Him To Pound Sand? The Brake Job. Spark, Plug Replacement.

1 year ago

Just in case you’re curious… I did take it to the $350 guy because my time is definitely worth $300 an hour…. I wish I could get $140 an hour for every hour I worked….. but that’s not reality. Sometimes you have to take less money to keep money coming in… he actually wanted $1000 for the job. The guys doing for 350. And on top of that it’s the same exact job every 14 days so sometimes you shouldn’t cut off your nose to spite your face… remember I said this is a friend of mine. The only reason he wanted so much money was because his calculator told him that that’s what he supposed to charge….. and he also knows how much money I’m making off of it….. that’s why you should never tell anybody how much money you’re making… people get jealous it’s not anything disrespectful they just do…

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