Exorbitant Prices for Non-absorbent Toilet Paper | Ep. 75

1 year ago

This episode is for my hardcore fans who look to me as a leader. I may not be the most confident or well spoken influencer, but I have a more defined jaw line than Andrew Tate, and that's what really matters. My interests are all over the place, and I could never be dedicated to just one niche. That would get stale and I'm not trying to stoke that kind of focused, consistent hatred. I'm much too talented to be only known for one of my many skills and passions.

0:00 - Intro
2:51 - More dumb accents
7:06 - The cost of toilet paper in Biden's America
15:43 - VICE, TMZ, Daily Mail, Netscape
19:21 - Poisonous spiders, ugly things in nature
23:16 - Bug hunting season in Texas
40:55 - Comedy show dates
42:22 - Influencers like Andrew Tate
1:01:21 - Biden's Tweets
1:03:19 - Crypto portfolio review
1:07:10 - Algorand (ALGO), Alterna Network (ALTN)
1:08:16 - Arbitrum (ARB)
1:09:30 - Avalanche (AVAX)
1:11:04 - Axie Infinity (AXS)
1:11:48 - Basic Attention Coin (BAT)
1:12:30 - Binance Coin (BNB)
1:13:39 - Bitcoin (BTC)
1:15:09 - Email me for advice

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