Ankle Mobility Assessment

1 year ago

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This is a test for your ankle mobility. The goal of the assessment is to see if your knee can touch the wall while your foot remains flat on the floor.

1. Start off by placing your foot one hand length away from the wall.
2. Now from here, slowly push your knee forward until you either touch the wall with your knee or your heel comes off the ground.
3. If your knee can touch the wall while your heel remains on the floor, then that ankle is considered to have good mobility. If the knee can’t touch the wall without the heel lifting, then you failed and your ankle has limited mobility.
4. For some extra credit, you can place a ruler on the floor next to your foot and record how close your foot needs to be to the wall so that your knee can touch the wall without your heel lifting. This is a great way to see your progress but it does take more time and setup.

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Even though I am a professional this is still not medical advice. The content is intended to be educational only. If you are a patient, seek care from a health care professional.

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