Morning Manna - May 11, 2023

1 year ago

Dr. Raymond Burkhart and I have been talking all week about Daniel 11:32-35. We are going to complete our lessons today. I believe Daniel 11:32-35 was for Daniel’s time, it was for the Apostles’ time, and it is for our time. I also believe that the Holy Spirit is inspiring the development of thousands of Daniel 11 churches around the world. God’s true Church – the remnant believers who have not bowed their knees to Baal, who have not gone into Babylonian captivity, will rise up in their cities and towns and organize opposition to the Antichrist and disciple people to follow Jesus Christ. Daniel 11 churches will have a two fold mission: teach the saints to obey The Christ, and to resist the Antichrist. Doc Burkart is here and ready to jump into the scriptures.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/11/23

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