Adi Lakshmi Mantra for Spiritual Wealth

1 year ago

Adi Lakshmi or Maha Lakshmi ("First/Source Lakshmi" or "Great Lakshmi") is the supreme mother goddess and therefore she is also known as Adi Shakti and she existed before everything else came into being. It is beyond description and understanding. She is the womb that contains all life. Adi Lakshmi is an attempt by the human mind to give form to the formless, which is usually called Brahman, that is, the Supreme Being (Absolute). It is incomprehensible and beyond the human mind.

“She who is praised by all virtuous people, beautiful, graceful,

She who was born from the ocean along with the moon, She who shines like gold,

She who is praised by the sages, She who grants liberation,

She whose speech is sweet, She who is glorified by the Vedas,

The one who lives in a flower, the one whom the gods revere,

She who is merciful to people, She who embodies the world,

Glory, glory to you, beloved of Madhusudana,

Adi-Lakshmi, always protect me."

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