Goddess Lakshmi Mantra

1 year ago

OM Hrim Shrim Lakshmi Byo Namaha

Tantric mantra of the Goddess Lakshmi, eliminating misfortunes

oM aiM hrIM shrIM shriyai namo bhagavati mama samRiddhau jvala jvala mAM sarva-sampadaM dehi dehi mamAlakShmIM nAshaya nAshaya huM phaT svAhA

Translation of Lakshmi mantra

Ohm. Aim Khrim Shrim. Worship Sri! O Goddess, ignite the power in me, ignite, grant all good luck, grant! Destroy my misfortunes, destroy - Hum. Phat. Svaha!

(Anyone can repeat this mantra simply as a prayer formula without special restrictions. But for occult use, diksha and transmission are needed, in which the guru orally explains to the student the nuances of using this mantra and the special practices of purashcharana and anushthana associated with it. Performing these sadhanas at the right time does not will only put an end to his former worldly misfortunes, but will also become prosperous and rich.)

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