How Travelling Changed Who I Am - #AlwaysCurious #AD

1 year ago

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People always ask how traveling has changed me. If I look back at who I was when I was 20-years-old when I first left England for Toronto and compare him to who I am now, I would have to say that travelling has made me a more confident, well-rounded, interesting, and curios person. When I first travelled to Toronto all those years ago I had no idea how big of an impact travelling would have on my life. Not only was it the first step into becoming a moderately successful YouTuber but it also helped shape my career and helped scratch my curiosity itch.
A company which shares my belief in staying curious is Merck - a science and technology company. Just to give you a bit of background, Merck have created a Curiosity Initiative to make us more curious and promote innovation and progress. As part of this Curiosity Initiative Merck have developed a Curious Elements’ program which explores different ways in which people interact with and train curiosity.

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