Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom May 12 2023

1 year ago

Did you hear the news? We had a HUGE Bill of Rights win in the Superior Court this week. The Judge ruled that freedom of speech is a fundamental freedom.

Dave Freedom was representing trucker Norm Blanchfield to get a bail variance on his conditions. Norm was charged during Rolling Thunder. One of his bail conditions was that he could not use social media.

Dave argued using section 1(d), Freedom of Speech, in addition to common law, and the judge agreed! While she refrained from saying "Bill of Rights", she did not argue the Bill and she stated repeatedly that freedom of speech is a fundamental right. Freedom of speech is NOT in the Charter, it only appears in the Bill.

Watch the Facebook Live @ 5 replay to get the full story HERE:

Our good friend Mitchell had his appeal in small claims court in New Brunswick. He put forward a claim against Judge Kenneth Oliver who violated his rights and received a bad ruling at the first hearing. So he appealed, and the second judge seemed empathetic and acknowledged that judges are not immune from the law, and was familiar with the case law Roncarelli v Duplessi:

You can read the story that was published in the local paper HERE:

Michel Juneau-Katsuya, former chief of the Asia-Pacific Unit within the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has stated that individuals involved in the political process should have to declare they will not cooperate with a foreign power, adding that they should serve jail time if caught doing so.

The comments were made before the House of [Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC) on May 11th](, as part of its study on foreign interference.

The Epoch Times put out an article that summarizes Michel Juneau-Katsuya's statements at the hearing, read the article [HERE](

One key point in the article, "The Liberal Party requirement for membership says that members can include those who “ordinarily live in Canada,” whereas all other parties limit membership to citizens or permanent residents since they need to pay for membership, a kind of political donation."

We are doing more work into this very serious matter and we will be updating our incident report with the information that is coming out of this study. CSIS has asked all Canadians to help combat foreign interference, so let's do our part!

You can fill out an incident report with your evidence from the convoy, or how your tax dollars are being spent to implement the 15 minute city (city hall is calling them "Stratagic Plan") in your area. You can download the package HERE:

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DISCLAIMER: All content on this site is for general information only, and should not be construed as legal advice.

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