Stand4THEE Live @ 5 Replay May 11 2023 - Bill for Rights Win in Superior Court!

1 year ago

Watch the replay on the BILL OF RIGHTS win in the courts!

Dave Freedom represented Mr. Norman Blanchfield to get a bail variance that banned him from using social media. Dave Freedom argued Mr. Blanchfield's rights were violated under the Bill of Rights and the judge ruled in this favour and stressed the importance of FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Unofficial court transcript:

Mr. Freedom: "Mr. Blanchfield's current conditions violate freedom of speech protected under section 1(d) of the Canadian Bill of Rights."

Judge: "What about section 2(b) of the Charter?

Mr. Freedom: "We'll be using the Canadian Bill of Rights your honour."

Judge: "Why is that"?

Mr. Freedom: "To be frank...? The charter of rights has not panned out for Canadians in the last few years... examples are Church of God, TTC, Toronto District School board... I can name many more. Unfortunately because of section 1 it allows authorities to override your rights. The Bill of Rights has no such section and the only way for them to do this is through a federal act of parliament that expressly states that your rights are being violated."

Of course many other arguments including change in circumstance and error in law in addition to the Bill… for the WIN!

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