Morning Manna - May 12, 2023

1 year ago

God did not send John the Baptist to make everybody ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. John the Baptist’s mission was to make read a people. Not all people. Not any people. He was anointed to make ready a people. A specific group of people. The elect. How would he make them ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ? He was to prepare them. When the elect was prepared, they would be ready for the Lord.

At the time of the first Advent of Jesus Christ, God’s people – the Jews – were not ready for the Messiah. God sent John the Baptist in the spirit and power of Elijah to make ready God’s people so that they would be prepared for the arrival of the Messiah Jesus Christ.

We have the same situation today. Many of God’s people – the Christians – are not ready for the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. They must be made ready so that they will be prepared for the arrival of King Jesus on the Day of the Lord.

I believe God is unleashing a mighty wind to blow over tens of thousands of churches around the world. I believe He is sending forth hundreds of thousands of new John the Baptists to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

I believe God’s preachers and teachers must make ready a people prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That’s my passion and purpose. To make you ready so that you are prepared for the Second Advent of King Jesus the Christ, the Savior of the World.

Dr. Raymond Burkhart and I devoted five days to talking about the Daniel 11 church. Today, Doc and I will explore the seventh chapter in the Book of Daniel. There’s a lot in Daniel 7 we will not discuss. Most Bible prophecy teachers are fixated on identifying the ten horns and the fourth beast. There are endless opinions about their identities. No opinion is better or worse than the others. All deserve consideration. I have my own opinions, but that’s all that they are – my opinions.

Doc and I, however, don’t want to focus on the ten horns and the Fourth Beast. Whoever or whatever they are doesn’t really matter. In the end, they lose. They will be crushed and eliminated forever when Jesus Christ returns from Heaven. Doc and I want to talk about the Ancient of Days and His saints for whom He crushes the fourth beast. That’s the Church of God, the ecclesia, the called-out ones who belong to Jesus.

Daniel had a series of prophetic dreams about the last days. God gave Daniel limited revelation about the dreams. The Lord’s angel gave this instruction to Daniel:

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/12/23

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