Confirmed: there are alligators in the sewer

1 year ago

If you thought that alligators living in the sewer was just a myth, you’re not thinking Florida enough. A crew was inspecting a Oviedo City sewer system that was mysteriously collapsing, only to come face to face with a five foot long alligator. Or, more specifically, face to camera, as they were remotely piloting a robot. The robot vs alligator showdown did not go the way of a wonderful SyFy channel original. There was a brief roar followed by an even briefer chase with the robot getting stuck. The alligator then left, probably terrified that the ancient reptilian legend of robots roaming the sewers was true.

It was confirmed that the creature was indeed an alligator and not a crocodile, as it will be seen later, rather than in a while.


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