3x12 100 Kgs Romanian Deadlifts. Last Set

1 year ago

My Comp Deadlift session ended up being a bit disappointing, today. I thought it was going to go well, but my strength and energy just dropped between my last work up set, and my top set, so I made it a bit lighter, to be conservative with fatigue/RPE. These went pretty well, though. I would like to do these with dumbbells, as the program calls for, but I only have one adjustable dumbell at home with not much weight, and I didn't feel like going all the way to the gym just for this one exercise, haha. Plus our dumbells only go up to 36 Kgs, lol. I'll try and increase these by 2.5 - 5 Kgs per week, while also focusing on keeping it in the max RPE 8 range. Let's boost dat posterior chain 🤘🏻.

Song: "Metallic Division" - Fear Factory

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Bitchute: Liber_Primus



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