SBMowing caught faking free mowing jobs! Keeps copy striking other peoples videos! F This clown!

1 year ago

Yep A few people have contacted me about SBMowing they claim he will come to they're front door beg the home owner to mow they're yard, say he will do it for free then 2 weeks later they get a bill in the mail from a collection place saying they need to pay this guy. This is straight up B.S he needs to be banned and never to be social media ever again. As more info comes my way I will keep you all informed. SBMowing not only is he a Karen in the wild, he is also a snake in the grass with little to no class. Unsub from that clown and save yourself some time. YouTube does know about his scams but refuse to do anything about it. Like always. So if they will not do anything, then the people of his past videos will for youtube. Sucks to be SBMOWING right now, Knowing you just got caught screwing over the same people you swear you help. You are trash Karen and the rest of the world will know it really soon! Trash SBMOWING. It was fun while your scam lasted huh?

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