"They Lied To Us About Why We Were In Iraq": Gulf War Vet Bill Stack

1 year ago

On this episode of the “Strange Bedfellows” podcast we speak with Bill Stack.

Bill is a lifelong #Republican, author, financial analyst, West Point graduate, Gulf War Veteran, contributing writer at the United States Gold Bureau and host of the "Metals Minute" Show. He also operates a food pantry that feeds over half the town of Salem, Missouri in these tough economic times.

This fascinating conversation delves into Stack's journey from a patriotic soldier of 1991's Operation Desert Storm in #Iraq to the crushing realization that his government had lied to him about why we fought that war.

Join us every Friday night at 8 P.M. Eastern for “Strange Bedfellows” with Lori Spencer and Tyler McConnell on Scott Ritter’s U.S. Tour Of Duty Network.

Submit your questions in advance at http://bedfellows.live — we might read yours on the show!

Support my work at: http://Lori Spencer.wordpress.com/donate

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