Oleksandra Romantsova - What can International Community do to Hold Russia Accountable for Crimes?

1 year ago

GUEST: Oleksandra Romantsova - Human rights activist at the Centre for Civil Liberties.

One year after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Nobel Peace Prize winning organisation Centre for Civil Liberties has documented more than 30,000 war crimes in the country. Their aim is for an eventual “Tribunal for Putin” that will hold the criminals accountable. But how does documenting Russian crimes by the Centre for Civil Liberties and others help this process? While fighting against Russian aggression, Ukraine is defending not only its independence, but European security and the principles of democracy and open society. What can the international community do to hold Russia accountable? This interview will explore this vital topic, and how Russia’s versions of the Nuremberg trials could be established.

Oleksandra Romantsova is a Human rights activist, and since May 2014 has been working at the Centre for Civil Liberties. As Executive Director, she learned that the Centre for Civil Liberties had become the Nobel Peace Prize laureate for 2022. From 2016 she coordinated a project observing the human rights violations and war crimes in the east of Ukraine, and political persecution in occupied Crimea. As a leading figure within the Centre for Civil Liberties she has been actively engaged in advocacy, seeking international support for Ukraine and to bring those responsible for war crimes in Ukraine to justice.


#nobelpeaceprize #centerforcivilliberties #ukraine #ukrainewar #russia #zelensky #putin #propaganda #war #disinformation #hybridwarfare #foreignpolicy #communism #sovietunion #postsoviet

Orest Zub
Aliona Hlivco
Olga Tokariuk
Anna Danylchuk
Roman Sheremeta

00:00 30,000 war crimes documented in Ukraine by Centre for Civil Liberties
07:11 The consequences of not fighting, not resisting are now well understood
17:05 IIC request to indite Putin's children's right representative important
22:58 The lessons from Rwanda and Balkans in prosecuting toxic propagandists
27:29 Normalisation of violence in Russian media, society and political sphere
36:04 War inevitably comes if you do business with countries that violate rights
42:06 Cult-like indocrination makes it difficult to talk politics with Russians
49:17 Russian's pride in wealth of oligarchs (who stole their money and futures)
53:24 There is no chance of occupying Russia, to roll back the brain-washing

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